Secret relationship

491 8 4

Season 2

Ezra Age : 16

Kanan Age: 22

No ones POV

Ezra whispered as Kanan held his hand, dragging him to his masters cabin. "Kanan are you sure we should be doing this? What if someone catches us?"

The older jedi just chuckled and unlocked his cabin, letting Ezra in first before letting the door shut behind him and locking it. "Don't worry, I already have everything figured out. Hera and the others are asleep from the mission, I made sure of it."

Ezra raised an eyebrow, resting on Kanans bottom bunk. "Oh yeah? How so hon?" He smiled, looking over at his master and lover.

"I checked each of their cabins to say goodnight right before I met you in the kitchen." He chuckled, taking his shoulder armor off and setting it to the side on his meditating pad, he then took off his belt and set his saber and blaster into the draw under his bunk, looking up at Ezra who was staring right back at him and smiled. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are..? Your eyes are so blue they are shining right now.." He chuckled, taking his boots off and sat on the bottom bunk next to Ezra, setting the boots down onto the side.

Ezra blushed deeply. looking away and took his belt off, placing his saber/blaster onto the side and took off his boots, placing them next to Kanans boots and smiled at Kanan. "Lay down."

Kanan chuckled. "Aye Aye captain." He laid down, taking his ponytail out and placed the hair tie on Ezras wrist and smiled. "One day..I will get you a promise ring.." He looked up and smiled at Ezra.

The padawan smiled and laid down onto his lovers chest, resting his head under Kanans chin, nesting on his lovers chest and placed his hand on Kanans arm, his leg crossing over Kanans and rested upon them. Ezra closed his eyes and smiled, feeling at peace, moving his head over Kanans heart. He smiled as he heard his lovers heartbeat.

Kanan smiled, resting on a pillow and placed his gloved hand onto his lovers head and began to comb his fingers through the navy blue locks. "You comfortable?" He whispered softly.

Ezra nods, grunting in response and kept his eyes closed. In just a few minutes his breath was evened out.

Kanan sighed. "I wish we didn't have to keep hiding our love for each other so I can always shower you with it.." He kissed the top of his lovers head and smiled. "But soon, soon we won't have too. I promise you this.." He held Ezra close and closed his eyes, falling asleep along with his lover.

Ezra groaned at the sound of their alarm blaring at 0400 hours. "Ugh, why is this alarm so early..?" He rubbed his eyes tiredly, snuggling into Kanans chest.

A yawn was heard and a sigh. "Because everyone will be awaking soon and we can't have them finding us this way hon." He sat up, holding Ezra close and kissed his cheek. "Let's get up hon."

Ezra grumbled. "But I am so tired Kanan, I just need another hour or two..I am so tired." He got up carefully, yawning once more before putting on his boots and belt, attaching his saber/blaster.

"I know love, I'm sorry. Why don't we for now get you to the kitchen, make you a cup of kaff and if you need to, take a nap on the couch okay?" Kanan offered, getting his boots and belt on, grabbing his shoulder armor and placing it on before getting his hair back up into a ponytail, stealing his hairtie back from Ezra.

Ezra sighed and nods. " we have a mission today?" He looked up groggily at Kanan, rubbing his eyes once more.

"Just a simple supply run, Zeb and Hera will be doing it today. Hera wanted to get out and get some walking done." He chuckled, resting a hand on his secret lovers shoulder and sat him at the table on the bench and smiled. "You doing okay?" He went towards the kaff machine, grabbing two mugs and placed in the grounds, turning on the machine and let them brew. He looked over when he didn't get a response and frowned, seeing his lover sleeping on the cold table. "Oh honey.." He whispered, kneeling down next to him. "Ezra? Did you get any sleep last night?" He shook him slightly to wake him.

Ezra grumbled. "I slept..just not that well."

"Can you tell me why? Was it the room temperature?" Kanan poured the kaff into the two mugs and placed one in front of him.

"I think was just really hot." He took a sip of his kaff and rubbed his eyes. "We also went to bed late, 0100 hours..I can't keep getting minimal amounts of sleep..I need to shut my eyes and nap, and you do too."

Kanan nods. "I agre- someones coming. Once Hera and Zeb leave you and I will take a nap together okay? Sound fair?"

Ezra nods and took another sip of kaff, watching the pilot walk in. "Morning Hera." He smiled his best, trying not to act tired.

Hera looked over and smiled. "Good morning boys, how did you sleep?"

"Great." Kanan smiled and took a sip of kaff.

Ezra yawned. "I didn't really sleep too well, I'm gonna take a nap when you and Zeb head out for the supply run."

Hera chuckled and nods. "Late night jedi training?"

Kanan nods. "He's doing great, improving tremendously with the force, he's really well connected with it. I think he deserves a break today. We worked hard yesterday huh Ezra?"

Ezra was half asleep. his face falling before waking himself up and saved himself from a possible broken nose. "Uh, yup. Yup.." He whispered, gulping down the rest of his kaff and looked at the other two. "What..?"

Kanan frowned. "Why don't you go lay in my bunk? You can control the temp however you want, thermometer should be in the same place as it is in every bunk. Right Hera?" Kanan looked over, sipping his kaff.

Hera nods. "Yes, go get some rest." She sipped her kaff and watched the apprentice leave before chuckling. "He really didn't sleep well huh? Was your chest too warm for him?"

Kanan paled, looking at Hera. "How?"

"I'm not stupid..and Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper know too." Hera looked at him. "No need to hide it anymore from us, there was never a reason to hide it anyway. Now go and take a nap, you look exhausted." She chuckled. "I will take Chopper with us too, Sabine has new painting ideas anyway so you know she won't bother you guys." She smiled and nods at him.

Kanan blushed. "Thank you Hera.." He yawned, finally able to let one out and cleaned out his and Ezras mug that he left behind, nodding at her. "Be safe. Contact us if you want us to check if we need anything." He went to his cabin, walking in, noticing how the room felt cooler and chuckled to himself, looking over and smiled at his lover who was already asleep on the bottom bunk.

He chuckled and walked over, kneeling down at the foot end of the bed and took Ezras boots off carefully, taking his belt off and his lightsaber/blaster. He then did the same and took off his shoulder armor and his ponytail and set his hair tie down and joined Ezra in the bunk, pulling his lover close to his chest, hugging him protectively. "Shh...we don't have to find our relationship anymore love. We can finally just love each other.." He kissed his forehead, combing his fingers through his lovers hair and massaging his scalp lovingly. "Rest peacefully.." He soon let exhaustion take over and fell asleep.

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