Mermaid X Fisherman

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Based off of HJbenders work

Ezra: Age 24

Kanan: Age 30

No Ones POV

Ezra looked up from his spot on the coral and smiled. "Woah..yes it's finally raining!" He swam up and smiled, reaching the surface and looked out to the sea as the rain droplets continued hitting against him. "It's gonna be a mean one, finally. I can finally rest on the coves." He looked over towards the deep sea and tilted his head as a huge shadow covered by the fog appeared. "What is that?" He asked curiously, his long hair getting into his eyes from the rain. "Ugh, stupid hair." He pushed it back behind his ears and using his long, beautiful blue tail, began swimming towards the mysterious shape.

Kanan looked up as it began raining, being a fisherman never got any easier for him it seemed, he sighed and rushed over to the nets as instructed by Captain Maul to continue on with his job. He grumbled, muttering under his breath and jolted at the loud and booming sound of thunder, he sighed. "It's okay Jarrus.." He took a breath, placing his hand on his chest and relaxed a bit. "Okay.." He grabbed one of the nets, using his strength and threw them overboard.

He jolted at the sound of a crate moving, which he found alarming due to it only being him and the captain. He slowly moved over to the crate being as cautious as possible before slipping and falling from the rain, he winced and slid down to the edge. "Ow.." He grabbed the edge of the boat and slowly stood up, his ears ringing.

The ocean became more aggressive with the storm, causing the boat to rock back and forth. He tried to keep himself steady. "Easy..." He whispered to himself.


Ezra swam to the ship, noticing a tall and handsome fisherman throwing the fish nets into the ocean. "What..?" He quickly went into the water and then looked up, using his strength and speed to fly out of the water and onto the ship, causing the crates to move. He went pale as he heard the fisherman take notice. "Shit.." He whispered to himself. He looked around, trying to find a spot to hide, before looking to the right as Kanan had fallen and slid down. "You okay..?" He whispered, dragging himself over to try and help the man.

Kanan looked down at the merman and went pale. "I must've hit my head really hard." He stumbled as a huge wave hit against the boat, causing Kanan to topple over and fall into the water.

Ezra gasped and quickly jumped in. He rushed down below, grabbing the unconscious male and rushed to the surface, holding the man close. "He's heavy.." He rushed to the shore, crawling onto the surface near a cave and away from people so they wouldn't be spotted. The merman panicked and rested his head on the humans chest and frowned, beginning CPR, copying the routines he saw lifeguards use on people at the beach until the human gasped, coughing up water.

Kanan continued coughing, holding his chest. "Wha..?" He looked around, his vision blurry. He wiped at his eyes and held his chest, sitting up slowly. "T-thank you.." He looked at the attractive figure. "Who are you?" He smiled and then peered his eyes down at the mermans tail. "Uhhh." He went pale. "Uhh..w-who...w-who are you?"

Ezra looked at Kanan and smiled. "My name is Ezra you can tell I'm a merman." He sighed, trying to be blunt as possible to get it out of the way.

Kanan sighed. "I-I see..thank you for saving me.." he looked out into the ocean. "My name is Kanan Jarrus. I'm a human." He smiled and looked over at Ezra, holding out his hand.

Ezra smiled and shook hands with him. "So, hows your head? It sounded like you hit it pretty hard on that..thing?" Ezra looked at him.

Kanan winced and held his forehead. "It's a ship." He chuckled. "A fishing boat really..and..yeah I'm fine..I think so at least, probably fired." He rubbed his hands down his face in frustration.

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