✵Chapter Three✵

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Something is wrong with Ethel lately, and Mildred does nothing but think about it.
Unsure about casting a spell?
Impossible to believe that the confident witch Ethel Hallow could ever think such a thing.
That awkward scene during lunchtime?
It was so obvious that she was looking for an excuse to leave and the sight of Sybil sitting not far from them gave her the perfect idea.
However, Ethel would never have revealed to anyone the writing of a hypothetical book, she is too paranoid even with what she writes in her school diary.
Maud and Enid sit quietly at the foot of her bed, looking for some perfect ideas to find out what's going on if Ethel doesn't reveal it soon.

«I don't know Mildred, maybe these are private things we don't need to know.»
Maud says after a few minutes of silence.
«Oh come on Maud, we all know you can't wait to expose some of Ethel's evil plans!
You never got over your dislike for her, you're good at hiding it only because she's my girlfriend now.»
Mildred replies immediately, but not angrily and Maud knows it.
The red-haired witch is very grateful for her friend, who despite years of rivalry with the blonde has managed to suppress her "hatred" for Ethel only for her.
«Mills I think you should just ask her.
She's your girlfriend and she shouldn't have a problem telling you what's wrong, after all you two now talk about everything.»
Enid is right, sometimes they talk about private things but now it seems different.
«Well, I guess you're right I probably just have to ask her directly.
Thanks for the lack of ideas girls, see you soon.
I still have to clean the room!»

In a flash the two girls leave the room after smiling at their friend, already standing and ready to sweep the floor of her room.

I just have to find the right time to ask her what's wrong.


Ethel hears Mildred's now beloved happy-knock  three times.
Obviously the redhead does not wait for her "go ahead" to enter and immediately sling inside her room; their relationship has changed so much after a few months that sometimes Ethel can hardly believe it.
«Oh my lovely girl, are you free for a chat right now?» Mildred asks theatrically, obviously failing but it makes Ethel smile.
«Sure, take a seat!»
Mildred sits next to her on the bed, just letting the mattress bounce under them for a few seconds.
She bites her lip for a while looking for the right words to ask what's going on.
«You know, I noticed your weird behavior today at lunch...is everything okay?
Maybe you don't want to talk about it in front of the others.»
She asks quietly, but inside Mildred is afraid of receiving a burst of anger from Ethel.

What if I crossed an invisible line?
Maybe I'm too curious..

Ethel sighs sadly, turning to her and taking her hands to squeeze them gently.

«I was waiting for the right moment to tell you this, but obviously I always pulled back because courage is not one of my strengths...»
Mildred opens her mouth to say something but Ethel immediately silences her with a finger on her lips.
«Let me finish, you jump to conclusions too quickly!
Unfortunately, my mom will be attending the prom, and I...I'm not ready to come out to her.
I was looking for a sweeter way to tell you we can't go as a couple.»

Ethel lowers her gaze and mentally prepares for harsh words of anger and sadness, but instead the opposite happens.

«Ethel you could have said it right away instead of waiting so long.
It's not a tragedy, I understand why you're not feeling ready to reveal certain things to your mother, I know how tough she can be.
I am and I will be happy to accompany you to the prom as a friend, if this is what you want but of course I will also expect compliments for my beautiful dress!»
Mildred smiles and with a sweet gesture wipes the little tears in the corner of Ethel's eyes.
«Were you ready to cry? You worry too much!»

Ethel smiles and hugs the redhead, who reciprocates with much more energy.

«You know, I also have a nice surprise for you!
So you better prepare for it.»
Ethel doesn't ask what she did, she knows that Mildred could ruin everything about it by revealing every detail because she can't wait.
It's also because deep down she knows she hasn't told the complete truth and knowing that her girlfriend has something planned for her makes her heart ache.

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