✵Chapter Seven✵

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Ethel never put aside her fear of disappointing her mother, but because of the excitement of the ball and Mildred's unexpected entrance into her room she had momentarily forgotten that her mother would be there as well.
When she heard her mother's voice the spell of security that seemed to embrace her is now broke into many small pieces.

The figure of her mother waiting for answers separates her from Mildred, who has a sad and frightened expression at the same time.
She's worried about Ethel, a lot.
Mrs. Hallow is truly unpredictable and Mildred hopes that Ethel won't tell the truth to show that she really cares about her.

«So? Anyone here want to answer my question?
More trouble caused by you, Mildred Hubble?»
And now Mrs. Hallow's furious gaze is upon her, Ethel's face beginning to blush with anger after her mother's words.
«You have no right to imply that this is all because of Mildred, you don't even know what's going on!» Ethel replies, raising her voice.
The rest of the guests stop chatting and dancing, all their eyes are fixed on the three of them, as curious as those of a child or an old lady looking for new ways to entertain herself.
«Ethel tells me she is not my girlfriend, Mrs. Hallow! If my father hears about this it will be trouble for our business!»
George intervenes, having returned from his walk ordered by Ethel moments earlier.
«You little bald rat!
I'll slice you up like a ham!»
Shouts Ethel in his direction, now completely angry and ready to force the boy's head into a steaming cauldron.

Mildred meanwhile steps forward, drawing Mrs. Hallow's attention to her, ready to speak.
«Mrs. Hallow, I know you probably have an old-fashioned view of girls' lives but you can't force your daughter to be with a boy she doesn't know and doesn't want in the slightest!»
Mrs. Hallow just laughs with an annoyingly shrill sound, and leans forward slightly to be at the same height as Mildred.
«And what do you know about what's best for my daughter? Your mother brought you up as a poor and simple little girl, you have no idea how things work in high class families like ours!»

Ethel does nothing but watch and listen to the conversation between the two, afraid both for Mildred who may receive a bad curse and for herself, who may end up locked within the walls of her home forever.

«I know what's best for Ethel because unlike you I actually know what she wants, both in life and beside her.
And I can assure her that there is no room in her mind or her future for high class family businesses and stupid boys she doesn't know!»
Her mother then turns to her again, this time with a cold gaze ready to pierce her heart like an ice dagger.
«Is this the truth, Ethel?»
Her mother asks, unemotionally.
Only to switch to having a fake friendly smile that Ethel knows well by now.
«You can tell me anything you know, I'm your mother after all.»

Something in Ethel, however, lights up, like a light bulb and then like a small flame.
It may finally be the courage she's tired of hiding or the young love she feels for Mildred, but it's enough to be able to put her fear aside.
«Yes mother, it is the truth.
I don't want George because I only like girls, I'm a lesbian.»
And before her mother can intervene or realize what she said Ethel continues.
«I have no intention of becoming a perfect witch and continuing the family tradition.
I want to open a music store and start a purely punk record label.»
And ready for her mother's reaction Ethel lowers her gaze, ready to feel like a mistake once again.
«This is a joke, right?
No way one of my daughters is a deviant!»
Her mother's angry voice echoes throughout the hall, reaching Hecate's ears, tired of having to hear and watch such a scene.

«I will not allow you to talk to your daughter like that, learn to have respect for others, especially in public!»
With a snap of her fingers Miss Hardbroom materializes between the three, protecting Ethel by placing herself in front of her mother.
«How dare you tell me how to educate and talk to my daughter?
You are nothing but a sad old failed witch!»
The black-haired witch lets out a giggle that confuses the audience and even Miss Cackle, who watches as if spellbound.
The rest of the professors remain silent, Miss Drill quickly eats some popcorn.
«Because we both know that a quick report for child abuse can have the Hallow's reputation crumbling in seconds, my dear.
I don't want one of my students to end up like her, married to man she doesn't want for family honor.
Ethel will be able to choose the life she wants, with whom she wants, and you won't be able to stop her!»

No one had ever heard Hecate ardently defend another person before, especially a Hallow.
But even she isn't immune to change, as the days went by she saw a lot of herself in Ethel, in her slowly coming out of her shell to be who she really is.
Seconds tick by and Mrs. Hallow remains silent simmering in her own anger but unable to react or say anything else.
Hecate still laughs with satisfaction, turning around and taking the hands of the two girls who remain confused but extremely amazed.
The music returns to playing and the audience to dancing as if nothing had happened.
And with a few steps Ethel and Mildred find themselves sitting at the teachers' table, close but still silent until Ethel steps up.
«She's going to try to get me home, she's won't give up and I know it.»
Mildred squeezes her hand tightly and looks into her eyes, on the verge of tears but with a sincere, warm smile on her face.
«But we're ready to fight for you, aren't we, Miss Hardbroom?»
All the professors smile and surround Ethel to hug her as a group, including Hecate.
«Yes» says the black-haired witch;
«I will not allow anyone to decide for you or take you away from the people you love.»

The embrace melts away and Miss Drill leaves a soft kiss on Ethel's forehead, trying not to ruin her distinctive hairstyle.
«Now try to make the rest of the night memorable with your girlfriend, you little punk rogue!» she says with a big smile and a whisper.

Ethel runs away from the teachers' table dragging Mildred with her, this time not to escape the truth but to finally dance with the girl she loves.

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