Killing Is Fun

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NSFW (contains murder)

Chaeyoung's POV

I can't help but gasp for some air. I've been passing out alot lately and I dunno why? And all I dream about is Mirei lifeless eyes staring at me.

Sometimes I wanna believe that I was the one who really killed her. Maybe I am really a psychopath. Just like what people around me had been telling.

I was different physically and mentally eversince. Kids who always bullies me ended up hurt coz I of me. I hurt 'em. I was a troublemaker back then. My father always pays for my damages.

I remember that I even burned a whole car when I was 13. Just bcoz the asshole owner threw a cigarette on me. So I burned his expensive car. And I didn't even remember doing that.

But I am not a psychopath..

I am not.

But why did I have take meds? Why the police had to isolate me in the prison? Why I always hallucinate?

Why I don't feel any remorse when I hurt someone. Like how I tortured my ex bestfriend.

But he already told me who was the real killer? So why am I questioning my own mental stability. Was he lying to me?

I suffered alot during those years inside that fucking hellhole.And I am finally free. I should move on.

But Mirei won't forgive me. I should bring her the real murderer. I should give her the justice that she deserves.

Am I even capable when I can't even stand up to drink some water.

I am thirsty. And I am here lying on my couch for hours now. After drinking my maintenance.

The tv is open.

My apartment is dark.

The only Illumination is the side lamp.

"The women were identified as prostitutes working in a famous bar in Gangnam.."

My sight is blurry. But I can clearly hear the news.

"The women were last seen 2 weeks ago at the bar they are working at. The killer is suspected to be their customer that night.."

I opened mu eyes widely to see the pictures of the women on the television.

"Club 89'." I murmured when I read tge headline. I noticed the women. I was at Club 89 2 weeks ago!

I gained all my strength to get up. I feel so nauseous. My meds are so strong. I wish Minari is here to take care of me. But I don't wanna bother her coz she can't find out about my medicines.

I was shocked.

They're the girls I've met!

They're both dead.

Killed brutally.

They've been chopped.

Who was the killer?

Did I kill 'em?

No, why can't I remember?

I stood up but stumbled dowm the carpeted floor. I can't even feel any pain.

I suddenly feel sleepy again.

I wanna die.

I wanna see Mirei again.


Mina's POV

I did not get the chance to see Kang Soo. But he video called me. I need to go to work early coz we're having a big event. Chaeyoung is still not texting nor chatting me. I started to get nervous.

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