New Year Special Chap 6

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"Something happen you guys?"

"Hmm? Nah," Atsuya spoke up.

"Why ask?" This time, Haizaki-kun.

"Just thought that the two of you... I don't know. You've always been quiet since earlier but now it's just kinda... I don't know, weird?" There was just some kinda gut feeling you had upon looking at them.

"Must be your imagination. Nothing happened," Haizaki-kun dismissed.

"Yea. Let's just go home. It's gonna get colder once it gets dark," Atsuya started walking ahead the two of you.

"Oh... right. Let's go." You two walked after him.

And thus, your chaotic grocery shopping journey came to a close. 


"You want me to what?" You did a double-take at the girl standing before you.

Nae-chan slapped her hands together in front of her and bowed. "Pleaaase! We need more help..!" She plead.

"B-but... I got just back," you whined, and for good reason. You just came back from your hectic shopping trip a few minutes ago, and before that the disaster in the kitchen, the decorating, and then--

"You won't have to do much, I promise!" She took your hand and held it in between hers while giving you her best puppy-eyes. "Just some cutting, and maybe... drawi-- No, tracing..! Yea, you only need to traaace the shaaapes. Only those two! So pretty please..!"

After a good 10 seconds of continuous staring by Nae-chan, you let out a sigh and reluctantly agreed, much to the joy of your friend. You let her drag your tired self to the living room where the decoration making team were. Much to your surprise, it wasn't as messy as you thought it'd be. With all the cutting, gluing and all sorts, more specifically Nae-chan, the room was very clean actually..

"Shiratoya-san, where were yo- oh, welcome back," the goggled lad greeted you. You got your answer as to why the living room was so clean; Kidou-kun. "I heard you had to help with the groceries from Shiratoya-san."

"That being said," you looked to the other side of the room where The Flame Striker himself was cutting up what seems to be a paper chain decoration. "why did she drag you here?" He pointed at where your arm which was still being held captive in Nae-chan's arms.

"She roped me in to help you three," you explained with drawn out sigh. You wriggled your arm free and took an empty spot beside Gouenji-kun. "So which do I need to help with? Cutting or tracing? And no, I'm not going to be helping anything else 'cause that's what she promised me."

Both males let out a huff of amusement at your last comment. "Here, you can help me cut these up," Gouenji-kun said and handed you a pair of scissors and folded papers which have already have shapes traced on top of them.

You picked one up and examined where to begin cutting. "Just follow the lines, easy," you commented to yourself. You careful cut up the opened side of the folded piece of paper but before moving on to the folded half, a tanned hand grabbed yours.

"Careful when cutting the folded part. You don't wanna cut these parts," he pointed at the parts where the paper chain are suppose to connect. "If you cut them, they'll end up separated."

"Right, gotcha." With his advice in mind, you continued cutting up the rest of your stack. You have to say that you were rather proud of yourself, and it must've shown on your face as snickering came beside you.

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