Midnight Kiss | Hakuryuu

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Tori: Hello again, everyone!!

Ryouhei: Welcome back.

Tori: Thanks for everyone who read my last chapter! This time we have- *drum rolls* Hakuryuu!!

Hakuryuu: Why am I here, again?

Ryouhei: This was requested by Melodic_Star .

Tori: I hope you enjoy!!

Hakuryuu: You haven't answered my ques-
3rd person POV
(Y/n) ran through the halls and into the woods, muttering curses at a certain white-haired male.

She kept running and running until eventually she reached a waterfall. She sat down near the edge, catching her breath and washed her face.

"(Y/n)-chan? What are you doing here? This place is quite dangerous at night you know." The familiar voice of a certain black-haired male called out.

"N-nothing, I just wanted to see... T-the moon, I heard the view from here is better than any other place in the island." (Y/n) looked at her reflection in the water with sad eyes.

"I've been friends with you ever since we were little, (Y/n)-chan. I can tell you're lying. Tell me, what happened?" Shuu said softly and sat next to her. Rubbing circles on her back trying to calm her down.

"I-I don't know why this always happen... Why did it turn out like this?" She sobbed silently as her tears slowly drops into the water.

-A few hours earlier-

(Y/n)'s POV
I was walking towards the kitchen to get something to drink, when I heard some noises from the training grounds.

'It couldn't be Ancient Dark or Unlimited Shining, their training schedule ended hours ago...' Curiousity got the best of me as I walked over to the training grounds to check what was the noises I heard earlier.

As I got closer and closer, voices were getting louder and the sounds of balls being kicked were also heard.

Reaching there I was shocked beyond words. I saw Hakuryuu with a ball under his feet. But that's not what shocked me. It was the fact that the rest of the Unlimited Shining members have bruises and cuts of them. Some were just barely managing to stand up and others were on the floor, lying in pain.

"Hakuryuu, that's enough! We're all exhausted, we've been training all day!" Taki, one of Unlimited Shining's members protested.

"Stop training?! Can't any of you see that you're all too weak, none of you can keep up with me! If anything, you should be grateful that I skipped my daily training to train all of you!!" Hakuryuu shouted back at him.

"GRATEFUL?! Dan's knocked out for goodness sake! This isn't even called training anymore, all you did was order us around and kicked the ball at us whenever we do something wrong!!" He shouted furiously at him.

"What did you say?! Why you little-!"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!" I shouted getting all their attention as I ran down to the field. "Dan! Are you okay?!" I kneeled down and asked him, seeing that he barely could move. My whole body shook in anger as I stood up and walked in front of Hakuryuu.

"What were you thinking?! Can't you see that they're all in pain?!" I shouted straight at his face.

"In pain?! It's not my fault that they're so weak!! Can't you also see that (Y/n)?!" He shouted back with even more force.

"They're not weak! Don't you see how much they've strive for this team? And this is how you repay them, by hurting them like this?! What's wrong with you?!" Tears started forming in my eyes as I looked at what my dear old friend have become.

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