GoT Marathon

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Hi guys! You guys are so lucky that I'm not going to school for the rest of the week because that means I should be able to update daily this week. I will try to squeeze in some Wessa fluff into this chapter. I ALSO STARTED WATCHING GoT AND IT IS AMAZING!


I wake up wrapped up in something warm. At first I thought it was a blanket but then when I opened my eyes I nearly screamed. I was wrapped up in Wills arms and my hands were on his chest and our legs were tangled together. I sigh and lean my head against his chest again. I can hear the soft thumping of his heart. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this. He shuffles in his sleep so that I'm laying completely on top of him. Since nobody else is awake and I don't want Will to wake up -he looks really peaceful, like an angel- I close my eyes and go back to sleep.

I wake up -again- when I hear laughter. I open my eyes to see that I'm still laying on top of Will. Only this time his eyes are open and looking at me. I blush and quickly get off him. I turn around to see that it's Sophie, Jessie, Cecily and Jem that are laughing at us.

"Oh my God, you guys looked so adorable together. But we have pictures that we can torment you with now," laughs Cecily. I glare at all of them and then get up and walk out of the fort we made yesterday. I go to my closet and take out some black yoga pants and a loose blue top with a black heart in the middle of it.

"Hey girls you can go take some of my clothes and you boys can go get some of Nates clothes," I tell them. Then I walk into my bathroom to take a quick shower. After I finish drying myself I pull on my clothes and then brush out my hair. I pull my hair into a messy bun and then walk out of the bathroom. Everyone is already dressed and waiting for me.

"Come on guys lets go get some breakfast," I say as I walk out of my room. I walk downstairs to see that the maids have already cleaned up the mess from last night. We walk into the kitchen and I walk over to Agatha, our cook.

"Good morning Agatha. Could you make us some breakfast please?" I ask her politely. She smiles at me and I smile back

"Sure, dear. You and your friends go take a seat at the table, breakfast will be ready in a couple of minutes," she says. I lead them over to the table and we all sit in an uncomfortable silence.

"So...when did you and Will start dating?" asks Jessie. I nearly choke on my spit when she says that.

"We are not dating," I stutter out. She takes out her phone and so does Cecy, Sophie and Jem. They all show me the pictures.

"The pictures say something different," they say in unison. It's kind of creepy how they said that at the same time. Me and Will share a glance before looking at them and in unison sticking up our middle fingers. They burst out laughing and so do Will and I. A couple of minutes later Agatha sets down a huge plate stacked with pancakes. Everyone immediately grabs some and sets them down on their plates. We start eating the delicious pancakes.

"Agatha you are the best pancake maker in the whole universe," I compliment her.

"Shut up and eat while you can, kid. That food aint gonna last long with those hungry hounds," she laughs out. I nod and then stuff my mouth with a pancake. Once we finish eating we thank Agatha and then go to my room again.

"What do you guys wanna do?" I ask them while collapsing on my bed.

"I don't know," they all reply. Then an idea springs into my head.

"Do you guys watch Game of Thrones?" I ask eagerly.

"Nope," replies Will. I smile evilly and then go to get my DVD box. I take out Season 1 of GoT and put it into my DVD player.

"Time for a marathon!" I shriek in delight. We all settle ourselves into comfortable positions -I get pushed into Will by everyone and they won't let me sit anywhere else except beside him- I press play and I hum along to the tune. Will puts his arm around me but I quickly push it off. Then he puts it around my waist. I sigh dramatically but don't push it off.

Once we get to episode 2 and Daenerys tries to make her husband happy with the sex, Will leans over to me and whispers in my ear,"That could be us in the future." I blush and push off his arm and shuffle away from him. I send him a glare and if looks could kill he would be dead. Unfortunately for me Cecily is sitting beside me so she pushes me right back and I end up in Wills lap.

"I guess you just can't keep yourself off me," he says arrogantly. I try to move off his lap but Cecily is sitting right beside him and on the other side is sitting Jem. Motherfucking traitors. I sigh but then lean my back against Wills chest and rest my head on his shoulder. He puts his arms around my waist and smiles down at me. I smile back up at him. Then I notice the evil smirk that Cecily and Jem have on their faces. Its of course part of their plan to get me and Will together. I cross my arms over my chest and continue watching the show. Little do I know how many ideas Jem and Cecily have for me and Will.

So a little Wessa there *nudges with elbow* huh? I know there wasn't much buuuuut I have no excuse. SO love it? Hate it? Tell me in the reviews. Also sorry for any mistakes but I shall blame autocorrect for that. I am on Episode 4 of GoT right now.

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