Coffee and Fluff

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I really need you guys to tell me whether you like it or not. Do I need to improve on anything? And shout out to WessaJessaHeronstairs fanfic Camp Blackfriars, go check it out! Now onto the story!

Previously (just in case you forgot)

"My name is Melissa Nightshade. I prefer it if people call me Mel though."

"Well once again, I am very sorry Mel. Maybe I can make it up to you?" Jem proposes. He smiles at her and her gaze softens a bit.

"Sure, whatever," she answers. She tries to keep a straight face but in the end she smiles.

"Okay. Would you like to go for coffee with me?" Jem asks.

"Okay. I'm going to get changed first though. Meet you here in 10 minutes," Mel says as she runs off. Will nudges Jem with his elbow and laughs.

"Got yourself a date, huh? They grow up so fast," Will teases, wiping a 'tear' away.

"Oh do be quiet, William," Jem laughs but his cheeks flush a bit.

"Oooh Tess! Look Jem is blushing! He has a crush on her!" Will teases further.

"No I do not!" Jem huffs, blushing a bit more. I laugh and throw an arm around his shoulders.

"Don't listen to him, James. He's just being Will," I laugh and roll my eyes. Will scowls and crosses his arms.

"What do you mean that I'm 'just being Will'?" he demands. We laugh and Jem shakes his head.

"Right I'm going to go get dressed now. See you guys later!" Jem says and jumps out of the pool. He comes back some time later and then Mel comes and they walk off together. I turn around to face Will only he's not there. I look around for him when suddenly he appears underneath me and he hoists me up onto his shoulders. He stands up and I squeal. I grab onto him for dear life.

"Will! Set me down!" I shriek.

"I think not, Tess," he laughs. He carries me around on his shoulders as I thrash around and try to get down but he's holding onto my legs.

"Will please set me down," I beg him.

"Give me a kiss first," he demands. I mean down and peck him on the cheek.

"I'll let you go but when you get down you have to give me a proper kiss," he sighs. He lets go of me and I climb down. When I get down I turn around and start to run. Running in a pool is hard. I run past people and Will chases me.

"All I asked for was a goddamned kiss. Is that so much to ask for?" Will cries out. I giggle as I run past a laughing Cecily and Gabriel. After some time of running I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I collapse against him and he chuckles.

"Tired?" I ask him.

"No not really. I will always chase you if you try to run away from me. You're not getting away from me that easily," he states. I smile.

"I don't want to get away from you," I whisper and brush my lips against his. He captures my mouth with his and I kiss back.

"Go get a room guys. Not everyone wants to see you two canoodling," Cecily laughs.

"We sure will," Will chuckles and grabs me by the hand. He pulls me back into the hotel and we go up to our suite.

Jem's P.O.V.

Mel is a really nice girl. We went to the cafe in the hotel and started talking.

"My mum is from Shanghai and my dad is from England. I was born in Shanghai, though. We moved to London when I was 12," I tell her.

"I'm from the US. I have lived there my whole life and I come here sometimes for a break. I'm here with my parents actually," she explains.

"Do you have any siblings?" I ask her.

"I have a sister but she stayed in the US. She's really lazy," she adds.

"I have no siblings but my friend Will, the one with the black hair and blue eyes, is like a brother to me. We have been friends since I moved to London," I say. She nods her head and smiles. She looks at her phone and frowns.

"I have to go now but maybe we can meet again sometime?" she asks. I nod my head and then we exchange numbers. She runs off and I smile as I finish off my coffee and then walk back to the hotel.

Tessa's P.O.V.

I giggle as Will flops dramatically onto my bed. I shake my head and then go to the closet. I pick out some dry clothes and then go get changed. I come back to see that Will is still laying on my bed.

"Will get off my bed. It's going to be all wet because of you," I scowl. He winks at me and then walks out of the room. I shake my head at him and then go to find my hairbrush. I brush out my hair and pull it into a ponytail. A couple of minutes later Will walks in, shirtless, but with denim shorts on.

"Will, can you go get me my jacket from the closet. It's just a blue zip-up hoodie," I ask him. He nods his head and then goes into the walk in closet. He comes back out but not with my hoodie only with something very lacy.

"Tess, I didn't know you owned these kind of things. Not that I mind really but it would probably look better on you," He says while twirling the lingerie around his finger. My cheeks redden and I go up to him and take it out of his hands. I put it back in the closet and then take my hoodie and put it on. I collapse on my bed and Will chuckles at me. He lays down beside me and I push at his chest. He falls off the bed and lands on his butt. I laugh at him as he looks up at me with his 'hurt' expression on.

"Why would you do that, Tess? It hurts me. It hurts right here," he dramatically puts a hand over his heart and I shake my head at him.

"You're impossible, William," I laugh.

"So are you, Theresa," he snaps back. I laugh at him as he gets up and sits down on the edge of the bed, eyeing me warily.

"That's what you get for looking through my things, William," I tease. He huffs and crosses his arms.

"What are you, my mother? Calling me William all the time," he scowls.

"Yes, I am Mother Theresa," I laugh. My jokes will never not be funny.

"That was such a lame joke, Tessa. Seriously have you nothing better?" Will rolls his eyes.

"I have nothing better. But I thought that was a good joke!" I argue. He shakes his head at me.

"That was a terrible joke. Never say it again," he commands. I nod my head and salute.

"Yes, sir." he shakes his head at me again and rolls his eyes.

"So do you want to watch a movie or not?" I ask. He nods his head and crawls up beside me on the bed. I take the remote control off the bedside table and channel surf for a good movie. Finally we decide on Pirates of the Caribbean and we cuddle up and watch it.

TA da! I have been quite busy these past couple of days. I have been babysitting since Monday and then I also had gymnastics today and I just didn't have time to write. But it's here now. Don't forget to go check out Camp Blackfriars by WessaJessaHeronstairs. So Love this chapter? Hate it? Tell me in the reviews! Please.

Love yah xoxox.

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