The Reunion

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Hello fellow shadowhunters! Thank you for all the lovely reviews! I really appreciate that you guys say those nice things about my writing and story! Now onto the story!

Life without Will just isn't as fun. I don't know how to live without him, really. He was a big part of my life and not seeing him for the next year is going to be a nightmare. Hut God knows maybe it will be longer. Or maybe not.

On Valentine's day I get a single rose but he doesn't text me or call me throughout the year at all.

Le June. (I know this skipped so much but like idk what to write!)

June comes around and I finish school. My career as a model finishes. I decide to become an author instead.

I walk down into the kitchen where I know my mum is.

"Muuuuuuummmmyyyyy," I say as I walk into the kitchen.

"Yes honey?" she asks.

"You know I just finished school and I am dying to go back to London but I don't have the money. Could you like lend me some?" I get straight to the point. She sighs and looks up at me.

"It's because of that boy isn't it?" she inquires. I fidget with my hands.

"That as well. But mum please!" I beg her.

"Fine, Fine. I'll tell you a little secret. Your father and I never sold that house. It's still ours," she whispers excitedly. I shriek with happiness and give her a huge hug.

"Can I move in there? Please?" I look at her with my puppy eyes and she laughs at me.

"Sure. Now you probably want to move there as fast as you can, am I correct?" she asks. I nod my head.

"Me and your father foresaw this. Your plane to London is in exactly a week from now," she tells me. I shriek with delight and hug her once more.

"Thank you!" I exclaim. Then I run upstairs and call Clary.

"Clary, I'm moving to London next week!" I squeal into the phone. We talk for hours until both of us fall asleep.

Neeeeexxxxtttttt wwweeeeeeeek!

I go off the plane, a little stiff. I go through all the security and then get my bags. I call a taxi and soon I'm off to my old house.

I arrive about half an hour later. I pay the taxi driver and then pull out my bags. I drag them to the house and then unlock the door and throw it open. I step into the huge house which is in fact all mine now. I go into my old room and flip on the light. Everything is still the same. I start unpacking and finish about 2 hours later. But I am nowhere near tired so I decide to clean the house. I clean the house in about 5 hours so when I finish it is 2am. I climb up the stairs and then collapse into bed. Without changing or anything I fall asleep.

I wake up past 1pm the next morning/afternoon. I decide to take a shower and change out of these clothes. Once I get out of the shower I feel a lot fresher. I go downstairs and into the kitchen to make some breakfast but then I realize...THERE IS NO FOOD IN THE HOUSE! I quickly pull on a pair of shoes and run out of the house, quickly locking the door before running to the shop. I buy some milk, cereal, fruit and other foods. I'm just walking past the Herondales house when I hear a shriek. I nearly drop the bags as Cecily comes crashing into me.

"TESSA! YOU'RE BACK," she shrieks into my ear. I laugh and hug her, well attempt to with all the bags in my hands.

"Come to my house, Cecy. I need to go and make myself some breakfast you know," I chide her. She nods her head and then we go into my house. We go to the kitchen and I unpack all the food. I start making batter for pancakes.

"Do you want some pancakes, Cecy?" I ask her. She nods her head while beaming. We eat and then I ask her what did I miss while I was gone.

"Hmmm, well. Jem and Mel are still together and so is Gabriel and I and Sophie and Gideon," she tells me. I nod my head and then ask the unavoidable question.

"How has Will been?"

"Well, he's been pretty miserable since you left. He just hasn't been the same, you know. He didn't date anyone for the last year and he's been moping around. Even Jem couldn't cheer him up," she explains. I frown a bit. She then unexpectedly pulls me by the arm and out the door.

"Cecy! Where are you dragging me to?!" I exclaim.

"I'm taking you to Will!" she answers. She drags me into their house and into the living room. A shocked Will, Jem and Mel look up. Wills eyes widen and he quickly jumps up.

"Tessa? Is that really you?" he asks. I nod my head and he practically runs over to me. He pulls me into his arms and I wrap mine around his neck. He pulls back and then closes the distance by crushing our lips together. When we break apart he rests his forehead against mine.

"I am never letting you go ever again, Tess. Never again," he mumbles into my ear. I smile at him and he kisses me again. Then somebody awkwardly clears their throat. We break apart to see Jem, Mel and Cecy awkwardly watching us. Jem stands up and spreads his arms wide.

"Don't I get a welcome hug?" he inquires. I laugh and jump over to him. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck and his go around my waist. We break apart after a while and I go give Mel a hug. Then I stand beside Will and he holds my hand as if he'll never let go. After a while of talking Will pulls me upstairs. He makes me sit down on his bed while he searches his room for something. I sit and wait until he finds the thing and hides it behind his back. He stands in front of me and the kneels down onto one knee. He pulls out a little black, velvet box and opens it. Inside is a beautiful ring.

"Theresa Gray. I have loved you ever since I met you. And I know that we don't know each other for that long and we haven't spoken to each other since last year but...will you marry me? Will you do me the honour of becoming Tessa Herondale?" he inquires with this spark in his eyes. Tears run down my cheeks as I nod my head.

"Yes, Will. Yes!" I answer. He slips the ring out of the box and onto my finger. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss.

"I love you so much," I whisper against his lips.

"But I love you more."



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