A Good Pregnant Life Chapter 186

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On the screen, Xu Xinnian turned his face to the camera, sitting on the boss chair in the middle, with his slender fingers tapping on the table, wearing a sturdy gray suit, and still turning out two light blue ones as before. The collar, the whole person looks refreshing, the two legs overlap each other, if you don't look carefully, you can't find that his right leg is a prosthesis.


  At this time, the door of the meeting room opened. A young girl from the farm came in with hot water to add water to several guests. Xu Xinnian's voice sounded, "When will your boss show up? There is no such politeness to discuss business. ?"


  His voice was as soft as before, but his tone was very sharp. The little girl had been greeted in advance and would never reveal any information about Xu Cinian, so he had to accompany the smiling face and said, "Sorry sir, our boss Now that the person is out of town, he has already rushed over as much as possible. Please wait a moment."


  Xu Xinnian snorted, did not speak any more, pushed his finger, and the chair turned around, exposing his entire front face to the camera.

  Xu Cinian, who was sitting on the other side of the camera, frowned in disgust for an instant, for nothing else, because Xu Xinnian changed a face almost exactly like him!


  If the two people's previous appearances are three to four points similar because of their brothers, then they can basically look like seven to eight points now. If it is not for the different movements between gestures, the stranger first sees that the two people are very similar. Easy to get confused.

  Xu Cinian couldn't describe how bad the mood was at this moment. Anyone who saw someone change a face that looked like his own could not bear it, not to mention that this person was not someone else, he was the Xu New Year he hated most.


  He stared at the camera closely, took a deep breath, and stared at Xu Xinnian's new face carefully.

  I have to admit that the silver Xu Jianguo gave him is really not white. The ugly scars on his face that stretched from his forehead to the chin are completely gone. The original round face can be repaired, and it has become the now sharp look. The big eyes, always moisturized with a pitiful look, were also sewn, squashed the shape of the eyes to the narrow and long lines that Xu Cinian had.


  Chen Jun next to him saw that his face was wrong, and he whispered, "Big Brother Xu...Do you know this person? His face is really..."


  Xu Cinian looked away and sneered, "Yes, he is my younger brother. Do you still remember the story I told you in prison? The eldest brother in it was me, and the culprit who caused the destruction of my family was he."


  As if for fear of getting his hands dirty, Xu Cinian tapped his fingers on Xu Xinnian’s face and quickly left. His tone was very flat, even with a slight smile, completely invisible from his face. A trace of emotional ups and downs.

  Sometimes for some people, you hate him because you praise him, so he won't make himself angry, and it's not worth it at all for this kind of person.


  Chen Jun was stunned at first, but did not react to Xu Cinian's meaning. When he remembered the story he mentioned before, he slowly grew his mouth in shock and said, "Fuck! No way... How shameless this person is. He still has a face, so I must beat him! I won’t be surnamed Chen if I can’t beat him today!"


  Saying that he had completely lost the joyous appearance of having just been discussing business, gritted his teeth angrily, rolled up his sleeves and was about to rush out to find Xu Xinnian to settle accounts.


  Xu Cinian pulled him back, shook his head, and raised a calculated smile, "Don't go, I have been waiting for him to kill him personally, what else would you play if you killed him?"


  "Then Big Brother Xu, what are you going to do?"


  Xu Cinian raised his eyebrows without saying a word, his narrow and narrow eyes half-squinted with sharp spirit.

  From now on is the real confrontation between him and Xu Xinnian. He does not rely on Qucheng or anyone else. His strength is enough to contend with the entire Xu family, so there is no need to keep a low profile, no need to be careful and forbearance. The time has finally come when the sharp blade is unsheathed and its sharpness is revealed.

  This time, if he couldn't play Xu New Year, he would be very sorry for Xu's last name!

☆, 60


  Xu Cinian clicked the mouse to turn off the video page. He didn't want to see Xu Xinnian's fake face again. He picked up an apple on the table and took a bite. He closed his eyes and yawned greatly.


  "Brother Xu, what are we going to do now?"


  "Hmm...what are you doing?" Xu Cinian touched his chin, and after thinking for a while, he hooked his finger to Chen Jun who was standing behind him, "Go and make a cup of coffee, I remember there is a pot of coffee powder in the office. Xiaojun, help me make a cup of sugar without milk."


  Chen Jun thought he would have some ambitions, but suddenly he was stunned by this sentence, and after holding back for a long time, he whispered, "Brother Xu...When is this, why are you still drinking coffee? Xu New Year. It's already forced to our doorstep."


  Xu Cinian nodded, took another bite of the apple with a click, and said with a smile, "Even if he rushes in front of me now, I can't wrong my stomach. Hurry up and make a cup of coffee. I am very sleepy now."


  Chen Jun was stunned by his nonsensical appearance. He pushed his arm vigorously and said eagerly, "You are not afraid of him leaving in anger? Your brother is not a good-tempered lord looking at him like this, Wan As soon as you miss this opportunity, you are in trouble thinking about dealing with him. Why are you not in a hurry, Brother Xu!?"

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