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On my way back after school, I remembered what she said;

'May be come have a visit after school...'

I was confused. As always a part of me wanted to go and the other just wanted to walk away back home.

My heart and my mind...they are like enemies; always in rivalry ... They have this constant conflict with each other while taking decisions... But most of the time heart is the one who gets to win....

Even this time!

The huge rusty gate creaked and I got inside...

I must say the garden looked much more fascinating without those rusty rods disturbing the whole view. The main attraction were the violet roses..., the garden had them in each of its corner and a big plant in the middle that had a lot number of enormous bloomed roses... They were deep violet in colour that you might mistake them for black in a dim light... The smell was insanely incredible too... I was lost in its beauty...

I walked slowly to the doorway while enjoying the scenary and the fragrance.

I was welcomed by the same lady in the morning...

OMG ! The house looked so classy inside... The interior should really be appreciated .

I was right that was her mother. She had a chit chat with me asking my name and where my house was...

' Okay dear! Let me take you to Vio! She will be surprised!'she stood up and showed me the way to stairs...

After some minutes of climbing up the stairs and walking, we finally reached her room.

Her mom knocked and opened the door.

'Look who is here for you!' she said in a happy loud voice.

But her face wasn't surprised...but for my surprise she looked at me and smiled!

She had the same soft smile as her mother's...

The girl was sitting in her bed while resting her back on a pillow. She had a book on her lap... guess she was writing something.

Her mother offered me a seat nearly facing her bed.

'Okay..I will bring some snacks while you two have some fun!' She said and left us alone closing the door.

A room of awkwardness and silence was what I felt for a moment!

'What's your name?' she asked me all of a sudden.

' Jess..'

' Do you know my name?' she questioned again.

I shook my head signalling a no...

She smiled...

' What is your name?' I asked

' May be... you will find it gradually.. and will never forget...'

I kept my mouth shut and she continued to write...

I looked around her room..... It was huge! May be x2 and x2 bigger than my room.

For me it looked like a home within one.

It had a lot of shelves. They were all fully stacked with books... a mini library...

A study table or a reading table was by the side of the shelf ; it too had some more books piled up neatly. The opposite side showed a dressing room and a dressing table. They were some musical instruments in one of the corners. They were covered with some white cloth. The room looked wholesome. And something that I noticed was the room had a slight fragrance of those roses I saw outside...The slight smell was quite relaxing and cheerful!

I felt her eyes on me... I looked at her.

' You read books? ' she asked me with a bit of curiosity in her eyes.

' Ah...not really.. but I love hearing stories!'

' May be you must start reading... let me lend you one of my favourites then...' she said and placed the book that she was writing in the bed and walked to the shelf..

I looked at the book she placed on the bed...

It was a diary titled with bold italic letters "Violetta's Diary''

And hence I found Violetta was her name! Her name was new to me as like the violet roses outside..

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