Where the Map Ends

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* Ashley's pov*

" Uh, Janice I gotta go on my jog. can we act like this conversation never happened?" munch asked

" Can we act like these two days never happened?" I asked.

we had finally lost all those crazy lunatics and got where we wanted to be... Which was a wall... That we had to climb. Great.

"Uh, we just have to come over this wall." Munch said to emma

Munch had picked emma up and help her get over the wall. And to be honest I was very proud of munch for doing that.

I looked behind us and saw that they had caught up to us.

"Guys, they're here" I say

"Jump." Alex said to me. I gave him a look but let him help me up there.

Once I had jumped the wall I heard tires screeching and I yelled

"Hurry up!" To the guys over the wall.

Once Munch Tuck and Alex had gotten over the wall we started running in people's backyards

"What if they catch us?" Emma said

" They can't catch us in our own backyard." Tuck said.

We had gotten to the other side of someone's backyard and munch put a chair for a booster. But of course for me, i still needed help over the wall.

" Hurry, hurry!" Munch said to me.

" Well, in case you haven't noticed munch, I don't jump walls very often." I say back to him

We had jumped into a new backyard and It was filled with a bunch of toys, oh how I would love to pl-

I was cut off by a loud bark and tucks 'manly' scream. Oh shoot! Where are we gonna go now?

I looked to my right and saw some little tiny steps leading up.

" Guys look, cmon!" I say heading up the stairs.

we got to the top fence and well for me, very awkwardly got over the fence. Good thing Alex was in front of me.

"They're right behind us." Emma warned.

" Come on, we got go, we got to go." Tuck says tugging on me and Emma.

We started running across a street and I saw another fence I sighed in frustration. But soon realized that I knew this fence and it had a 'door' to it that we made when we were in fifth grade.

"Oh, thank the heavens." I say not only for the door it provided but I knew we were getting closer

We stopped for a second and checked Alex's phone.

" It's down the hill, cmon lets go." Alex said grabbing my hand.

When we got down the hill, one of they workers trucks was slowly driving by looking for us.
I was crouching down next to Alex when I looked over to him and gave him a worried look And he pull me closer

When the truck passed us, we started running again.

" It's says the ships ahead." Alex yelled

" Isn't this the way to your house?" I say to Alex

"Yea..." He mumbled

We had made it to Alex's house and climbed the rope that we all had used so many times

" Are your parents awake?" Tuck asks

No answer, He was really determined to find this ship. I looked behind us to see if they were still following us, but I didn't see them.

" Hey, I think we lost them." I say

We had climbed to the top of the hill and I expected a little ship or something... But there was nothing here.

"I don't... I don't get it." Munch said. I nodded in agreement.

"I... This is where the map ends." Alex sighs

We all got our phones and Alex was right, it did end here. But where was the ship?

All of us started to look around his backyard for anything that looked like a space ship. But trust me, I've been in this backyard millions of times... It looked exactly the same as It always did.

" Maybe it's invisible." Munch said

" Don't you think we would've ran into it by now if it was." I say

Echo started chirping and Alex took off his backpack and asked echo

" What is it?"

He started chirping more.

" What- what's he talking about?" Tuck said

" What do you wan-" Alex started but He was tugged backwards.

" What's happening?" I say

soon the backpack flew off of Alex's shoulder and went straight towards the ground.

I looked over at Alex and helped him get up.

" Everybody good?" Tuck asks

" What's down there" munch asks

we all started to look around it and Alex was getting pretty close.

" be careful." I say

"That's it." Alex's said

"Dude, it's-it's underneath." Tuck said

" So this whole time... " I trail off

" that's why they want all of our houses..."

They were digging.

|| I updated!!! Whoop Whoop! So we're getting pretty close to the end of this book:c but don't worry i am planning to do a sequel for this on pretty much how their lives go on and a bit more of Alex and Ashley will go on. But if you want a sequel.. Make sure to vote and comment and all that stuff:) so till the next update...

love you guyssss<3

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