Definitely not Construction Workers

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* Ashley's pov*

" i dear god please don't let tuck kill us all tonight. i wanna live to at least see prom!" Emma says

" oh cmon driving cant be that bad can it?" i laugh

Emma looks at me with a worried look then walks in front of us. i stop laughing then pull onto tucks shirt pulling him to my eyes level

" i swear to god tuck, if you even swerve with this car and we live to get out of it, ill kill you" i say with the most serious face i could muster. then walk away with Emma. i could hear tuck say to Alex

" that is one feisty girl you got there man.." he says chuckling

We get in the car and me and Emma sit in the back while tuck in the front seat cause he's the 'oldest' and Alex in the passenger.

I put my seatbelt on and sigh

" Really? Your googling it?" Emma asks

" Oh, cmon, this is what the internet is for." Tuck says while looking at us

" Um 'step one, get a drivers license.'" Alex says reading it off his phone

"Welp, we already broke the most important step." I say throwing my hands up

"Oh, wow" tuck sighs and goes to turn on the engine when it roars to life unexpectedly and he hit the gas

"Stop!" We all scream

" Alright, alright." He sighs

" Do you even know what your doing?!" Me and Emma yell.

" no, I dont" he says

" Step two, be calm" Alex says while taking the camera.

" Yes, what ever you do stay-" I say but cut off with him pressing on the gas and the tires squeaking.

" What are you doing?!" I yell

" sorry, sorry" he says

Today is the day I will be dying, goodbye world.

" Alright, alright, I got it." He says

" Doesn't seem like it." I mumble

He hits the gas again and we start going super fast

" Stop" Emma yells while I just scream.

" Tuck! Tuck turn!" Alex yells

He goes to turn but hits trash cans in the process.


" Oh, sorry about that." He says sheepishly

" oh my god!" Emma says

We start going down a street much smoother

" We're good, we're good" Alex says and tuck goes to smile at us

"No! No! Keep your eyes on the road!" I yelled at him

Well sorry for not wanting to crash!

For awhile we we're going fine when tuck said

"Alright I'm excited. Should I just gun it?"

"No, no, no!" We all say


We were now in the road and it was peaceful now that I was not worried I was not gonna get killed.

" I need, I need music. Somebody just play music." Tuck says while Alex went toward the radio

" alright" he said and turned it on and some old western music started to play.

" Oh geez" I say while laughing with the others

Then Alex changes the radio and a slow song comes on.

" Change it." Tuck says

Alex does so and changes it about two times when a good beat comes on. Alex looks back at me and raises his eyebrows saying ' what about this song' and I just shrug.

I mean, it seemed like a good song.

Everywhere we'd been that night, shot by us like a rocket. All we wanted was our friends back.


Time had passed and I had been looking at my window pretty much the whole time listening to Emma stories with the hum of the radio in the background. But we had finally made it to our neighborhood.

We passed by our houses and we all just stared.

" I'm gonna miss it here man." Tuck said

" yeah, us to." speaking for me and him.

We get to the construction site and we turned off the car.

" Well, here we go." I say sighing and get out of the car

" I don't know about this." Emma said

" Me either" I mumble to her.

We start going around trying to look for a way in

" Did you hear that?" Tuck said

" yeah." Emma said

We walk up to these gates and tuck decided that we have to jump them.

" I'll go first" tuck says throwing his camera over the gate then jumping after it. Then Emma after him.

I went to go up but I couldn't reach the bar to pull myself up.

Curse me and my shortness!!

" Here I'll give you a boost." Alex says

" Thanks" I mumbled

He picked me up by the waist just a bit so I could reach the bar to pull myself up and I clung to it and started to climb when I felt something on my butt. I looked down and saw Alex's hand on my ass. I raised my eyebrows and he just smiled back

" Gotta make sure you don't fall back, ya know?" He says

" Whatever" I mumble and got over the gate
And a couple seconds later Alex was standing next to me with a smirk on his face.

We go to these bushes to see what was happening. We looked threw them and you wouldn't believe what we saw.

" Yea, they are definitely not construction workers." I say.

|| hey guys hope you like this chapter! I finally have a new cover for this book! Yayyyy! many people had made me one . And they were all very good! But I had to narrow it down and choose. So I want to thank everyone who had made one. But special thanks to -twrkirwin for making this one for me:) make sure you guys go and follow her!!

Love you guyssss <3

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