Right, Earthquakes...

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*Ashley's pov*

"Bye." Alex said to echo. We were about to walk away when I let go of Alex hand and ran over to echo.

"Thank you, for... For last night.. And today. Thank you for making our last night... The best night. I'll miss you buddy." I sniffled. And I walked away.

The rumbling started to get worse and we started running.

We had all gotten out when tuck said

"Wait, wait my camera." and started going down again.

"Well, that was one hell of a goodbye." I say. Wiping my tears.

"That was so close." Alex says walking over to me and giving me a hug.

We had both jumped away from other when something shot right out of the air!

We all looked up and say it just floating there. I had felt something lifting up my foot, I looked down and saw another piece was coming.

I had jumped off of the piece just for it to go straight to the other piece and connecting.

I looked to my right and saw rusted metal coming from Mrs.Nichols flower garden. Then soon from the grass another piece came connecting with other then floating to the sky.

We looked over to the fence and saw it wasn't just Alex's backyard... It was everyone's!

"What is going on?!" I say laughing. This was beyond crazy.

Alex looked at me and grabbed my hand as we headed to the front of his house.

We all stood there looking at this big spaceship that was forming from everyone's junk that was buried under everyone's houses!

Stuff was literally coming from everywhere! All of us we jogging around the streets looking at all of this. To bad no one else could see it.

We had stood still once again to admire what echo had just made.

"This is amazing." I say

Alex walked over to tuck lifting his camera had saying

"Your gonna wanna get this."

And right then, it took off.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and looked up at Alex.

"We did it." He said "we did it!!" He said again while lifting me up spinning me around. I giggled and he put me down. I smiled at him

I heard tuck yelling excitedly to his camera saying something along the lines of 'this is insane and we did it!'

But I could care less cause right now I was standing right in front of Alex looking at his amazing eyes. He had stepped closer to me.
I leaned closer to look like I was going to give him a kiss. But in reality it was only to tease ;)

"Um guys it's morning." Munch said to us.

I had awkwardly stepped away from Alex and listened what tuck was saying

"I think i need a ride." Emma said. I was about to answer when I heard

"Hey buddy, did you feel the earthquake?" Alex mom asked us

"Ha right, earthquakes..." I mumble

|| hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Ik sad to say my Aunt has died recently and it has been hard for my family. Plus I have an F in English so I've been studying! Anyways hope you like

Love you guyssss<3

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