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About a week later

Alex POV

I haven't talked directly to Luke in like a week, and it kinda sucks. But he's been having fun clearly always talking to Julie be his normal charismatic self. And usually seeing your best friend normal would make you feel pretty secure but it makes me a lot less secure than i already was. I mean he kissed me, and it was clearly out of pity because he hasn't noticed that I'm upset and he likes Julie he goes on everyday and talking laughing writing spending day after day with Julie. And i don't mind but i wish he wouldn't have kissed me.
When me and Luke were a thing and i say thing cause we never made it official he told me he loved me before we made it official and i didn't say it back a day after that we died... And it's not like i didn't not love Luke of course I love him he's my best friend but why say you love someone in that type of way of your not even a real couple.
When he's with Julie its way different though he's constantly smiling and always telling her something new or something deep. He can write with her for hours and all his songs lately have 9/10 been about her or them. I like when he's smiling even when it's over someone else. When there together you can feel the tension I'm the room so why stop that with my drama. And anyways I have Willie, or had Willie... I don't know Willie and Luke are kinda complete opposites, i mean Willie's really laid back and Chill but also hecka fun and you can always have a ball with him.. i think that's what I like about him it's not loud even when we screamed in a museum it wasn't loud because somehow with him it's always perfect in a weird way. And he tries to push me but pushes me to certain lengths because it's as if he understands that i want to get places on my own.
But then there's Luke who's constantly loud and really annoying lots of times sorta like a brother but it still feels like more than a brother type feeling. And Luke pushes me to but it sometimes feels like he's pushing me to far and holds my hand while doing it like i can't do it without him, but that's comforting sometimes cause sometimes i feel as though I can't do it without assistance. But i don't know maybe i should forget about it so there's no more drama and everything can go back to normal... Who kno-

"Alex!" A voice calls.
"Yeah!!!" Alex says I'm complete shock not expecting for someone to call him.
Alex looks up and realizes its Luke he thought he was the only one there.
"Um hey can we talk?" Luke ask
"About?" I reply.
"You know what." Luke says sitting next to Alex.
Alex then scoots over a couple inches so there not touching.
"Then talk." Alex says.
"We kissed Alex and ever since then it hasn't been the same we haven't talked we haven't even been close to best friends we've barley been treating each other like friends this past week." "And Alex i know that the kiss was weird and i know that it was sudden. But your acting like that was your first kiss ever you act like that was you first kiss with me ever."
Alex just stays silent.
"Tell me what's wrong Alex's." Luke begs.
"There's nothing wrong it's just we were never official and then you found happiness with Julie and I'm pretty sure I had something good going on with Willie and i have no idea what messed that up but something most definitely did. And I'm not saying that that something was you but i don't know. And you kissed me and i don't know why you did if it was out of pity or something else but it didn't feel like how it did in the 90's and you can't act that way with me because..." Alex pauses.
"Because what?" Luke ask.
"Because there's Julie you smile with her your better with her your mentally there when your with her your writing is great with her you wrote bright with her within like a day, and i love julie like a sis, she's my band mate of course I love her... But I'm not trying to be another Ghost is your life." Alex finishes.
"DUDE... Alex it doesn't matter what I have with Julie. You act like I never had anything with you.. you act as if what we had wasn't real because it was you know it was. Everything i said then you know it was true and yes Julie is here but your not just anyone else to me your my best friend and I don't know if that kiss was out of pity but we had something there. Your my best friend so can we please not let one stupid kiss change everything between us..." Luke grabs Alex hands.
Alex's looks down at there hands and let's go. "I'd really like that, yeah let's have things go back to normal." Then hugs Luke.

Hey yall i finally came back and I'm writing again i really like this chapter i wrote this while in class so if there's a lot of errors I'll fix them later but i like this chapter a lot i feel as though there is a good balance between drama, sadness, and just the overall feeling of a story without it being to dramatic i missed y'all and i hope you all enjoy love you.

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