Just another ghost

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Luke's POV

"Alex are-" Luke says slowly and quietly stepping towards the couch.
Alex shakes his head directed at Luke.
Luke understood what Alex meant, but all he wanted to do was sit next to Alex and be there for him. He wanted to hold Alex hand and tell him that it's going to be ok. He wanted to stay up all night and talk to Alex and say it's ok to cry while Alex cries on his shoulder. But right now in this single moment he doesn't know.. can't comprehend what to do.
"Hey Reggie want to go on walk with me I think we should leave Alex alone for a while." Luke whispers to Reggie.
Reggie nods his head and they poof out to the garage and go to the beach.

Reggie and Luke leave the garage and start walking through the beach. Reggie very quiet and same thing for Luke. Which is weird because usually Reggie is the loudest if them all but not today. Reggie hated when people fought, he hated conflict in general. He doesn't talk about it much but his family life but that's only because his parents always fought. Reggie always seeked attention because of it he was the middle child the second born of 4 children, always ignored and just suppose to know how to get through life, hand me downs in all that. His parents use to fight a lot so conflict messes with his head.
But Luke,
Luke was quite for another reason, he had something completely different on his mind. Something that had been bothering him since it was said. A feeling of pain that he just couldn't wash away. A memory from the past that he wanted to forget about but that was always there no matter how much he tried not to think about.

(Hey everyone this is not the end of this chapter i just wanted to make a quick authors note before you continue to read on. Although I am not anywhere close to done with this story i plan on making a prequel to this story so when I have completed this story i am going to be writing a second story that takes place in the 90's so i am going to be having flashbacks in this story that will be brought up in the prequel that i will start writing after this story. I just wanted to address this before you continue so there is no confusion ❤️ ok now you can continue reading)


Luke's POV

Alex and I had been together for a while now and I think i might have had feelings for him a while before we got together but we've been doing this thing for about 4 months now and I really think i love him and I'm gonna tell him when we go out later.

(Fast forward into flashback)

"You brought us to our spot." Alex says with a chuckle to Luke.
"Yeah", Luke let's out a fake chuckle.
"What's wrong you've been real quite since we've met up tonight, what's wrong?" Alex ask with a worried face.
Luke takes a deep breath. "Can I tell you something?"
"Um..yeah. you can tell me anything you know that." Alex says.
Luke grabs Alex hand and begins. "I've been feeling like this for a while and i just didn't know how to tell you but I'm ready know... I think I love you Alex!" Then Luke let's out a deep breath after.
"Oh..." Alex says.

Oh... Oh all he says the only words he could says was oh. Was that all he could think of Oh. Oh the words I would never expect come out of his mouth he says Oh, the boy who can ramble and go on and on about something when it doesn't feel right all be says was Oh.

(Flashback ends)

"Do you think that Alex is gonna be ok?" Reggie says.
Then Luke looks over to him.
"I mean I've never seen Alex get like that before." Reggie continues.
"He'll be ok Reg don't worry. He's Alex he's smart, he's strong he'll be able to get through it." Luke says.
They both nod at each other, then go back into silence.

I remember that day Reggie told Alex "They say you never forget your first ghost." But I was Alex first guy so does he feel the same for me that he does for Willie. Probably not because he almost told Willie he loved him and he never told me that. Then maybe i was just another person to Alex and maybe that's all I'll ever be. Just another Ghost. Willie is his ghost and I'm just any other one to him. It's not as though I like Alex still, i mean i like Julie. I've liked Julie since the moment I met her i write better with her and she makes me great. But Alex he is my best friend the one I know I can go to about anything and he was also my first love. I just wasn't his. I don't like him i just don't like seeing him hurt. But he's strong and he clearly needs to get through this in his own and i respect that. But it still hurts.
Oh.. still the only word that hurts more than anything.

Hey my loves i hope you enjoyed this chapter this chapter was hard to write it was even harder to write then the previous chapter. Please give me your feelings and feedback on this chapter and thank you all for reading and i appreciate all of you. Love you all and hope you enjoy.

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