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I turned the corner and there she was again.

Her long dark hair swishing over one shoulder with the rest of it cascading in curls down her back. Her piercing blue eyes gazing softly around her, as her long dark lashes emphasised her blinks. Her loose t-shirt hung off her shoulders, yet still emphasising the curves of her waist. Her three-quarter length jeans, rolled up at the ankles, shaped her legs perfectly as she continued to walk down the hallway.

I stuck to the sides of the lockers with my head down, yet not being able to resist peaking at her with every step I took. She walked in the middle of two friends, giggling along to something they said, throwing her head back in laughter.

Katrina Gray, the one with the cutest giggle and biggest smile. The girl who was full of life, loved by everyone, envied by everyone. Fancied by every guy.

And me?

You could call me a wallflower. Constantly on the sidelines, watching everyone but remaining invisible to them. The one in the corner of the classroom who watched all the life and laughter fill the classroom around me.

I continued watching Katrina as she walked down the hallways, passing me without even a glance. Do you think she knows me name? No way. Know I exist? Ha, I'd be lucky if she'd ever noticed me in all the years we've been at this school.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

My best friend Luke approached me, slapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Shut up mate," I said shrugging him off.

"Three years. We've been here for over three years and you're still obsessing over her."

"I'm not obsessed with her," I mumbled defensively.

"Like fuck are you not obsessed!" Luke laughed rather loudly. "Mikey, oi Michael!"

He grabbed the bleached hair guy and dragged him into our conversation.

"Calum and his obsession with Katrina." Luke stated.

"Oh jesus Cal," Michael began. "Still obsessing over her without ever approaching her?"

Before I could reply, Luke did for me.

"Yep, caught him staring again." Luke sniggered. I shoved him backwards and he laughed even more.

"Shut up, both of you!" I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh mate, we're only joking." Michael laughed, grabbing me in a bear hug.

The school bell went off, signalling time for first period. I pushed Mikey off me and he pouted, giving me a reason to glare at him.

"C'mon lads!" Luke cheered. "Last yeah of high school, and then we're out!"

"Yeah, whatever, see you after English." I shrugged and turned around making my way down the hallway, the same direction that Katrina had walked.

I approached my english classroom where there were already a few other students dotted outside. Not too long after the teacher came and unlocked the door, allowing us to file in. I went straight to the far side and sat in my usual seat, chucking by bag by my feet.

"Calum, right?"

I turned to look at who was speaking to me and froze.

Katrina placed her bag down by her desk, the one directly behind me.

"I, uh, yeah, I'm Calum." Jesus Christ, Cal, breathe for fucks sake.

"Katrina." She gave me a wide grin, flashing her perfect teeth and exposing the crinkles around her nose.

"I know, I uh, oh, I mean, I know your name, I, yeah," I stumbled, mentally punching myself in the face.

But she didn't seem to notice the betroot colour creeping into my cheeks as she just giggled again, flicking her hair over her shoulder and taking her books out of her bag.

"Mr. Hood. Books. On your desk. Now." The teacher was looming over me, causing me to almost jump out of my skin - which, however, earnt me another giggle from Katrina.

As the teacher turned to go, I stuck my tongue out at him and went to retrieve my books.

Another giggle.

"Y'know," Katrina began, giving me a good enough reason to swivel round in my chair and face her again. "I've always seen you around, and in this class, but I've never spoken to you. I mean, I don't know anyone else in this class this semester so it's nice to see a familiar face, y'know what I mean?"

"Yeah, same here." I chuckled. "I mean, with you, not me. That'd be weird if I was content with seeing myself in my english class. I, uh, yeah." I rambled on.

"You seem really friendly Cal," Cal. She called me Cal. "Making friends in the new semester is a great feeling, don't you think?"

Although her speaking to me has made my happiness levels shoot through the roof, I nodded and agreed, although I'm sure I just got friendzoned.


hi hey hello there, so this is the first chapter, i know it's rather short and whatever, but idc i wanted an intro lmao okay im listening to shake it off tHIS IS MY JAM !!

i know this is like the first chapter but pls vote and comment and add it to your library if you like it, k thx bye !

~ shay xo

p.s. hmu on twitter: irwinftcats !!

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