Chapter 3 - do i...

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Ochako's eyes fluttered open as she took in her surroundings, realizing she wasn't in her own dorm. Then the events of the previous night came flooding back, making her remember she was in Tsuyu's dorm.

She then realized there was a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. She turned around gently and was face to face with a sleeping Tsuyu. Ochako found herself studying her friend's gentle, relaxed expression. 'She looks so... adorable,' she thought before blushing and questioning why that was her first thought.

Ochako tried getting up to get dressed and have breakfast, but her body wouldn't let her. Laying here in her friend's arms, something just felt right. She gently put her arms around Tsu and soon fell back asleep.

After a few minutes, Ochako felt Tsuyu stirring next to her and opened her eyes to see her friends' eyes slowly blinking open.

Tsuyu looked up at Ochako. "Good morning Ochako, kero," she said with her usual smile.

"Morning Tsu," Ochako replied with a smile as well.

Tsuyu could already feel petals pushing up her throat as she looked into Ochako's eyes. She knew she had to get to the restroom, and fast.

"I'm going to go downstairs to eat, kero. You can borrow some of my clothes if you want to change right now," she said before rushing out.

Ochako felt a little disappointed, not having Tsuyu cuddling with her. She shook her head. 'No, cut it out Ochako,' she thought. 'There's no way you like her, you're barely starting to get over Deku!'

She got up from Tsuyu's bed and went to take a hoodie and sweatpants from her friend's closet, not wanting to risk running into Mineta in just a t shirt and short shorts. His dorm wasn't on this floor, but she knew he had his ways.

She sniffed the hoodie after putting it on and smiled. 'It smells like Tsu,' she thought, a smile growing on her face. 'She smells so nice...' she shook her head again and walked to the restroom in the dorm room, turning on the sink and splashing water on her face. She looked up at herself in the mirror. Similar thoughts she'd had about Tsu before suddenly flooded back into her mind. The happiness she felt every time she talked to her. The nervous excitement she felt holding her hand before Toga attacked them in the forest. How she admired her.

She splashed water on her face again before looking back up at the mirror and quietly asking herself out loud.

"Do I..."

"Do I like Tsu?"


The 1-A students who were awake greeted Ochako as she entered the commons. She entered the kitchen to see Todoroki and Midoriya making breakfast for their classmates. Ochako greeted them, surprised to find that her heart didn't hurt as much as she expected it to, seeing them together again. 'Did I ever like Midoriya romantically?' Ochako thought to herself as she made coffee. 'Maybe I confused platonic feelings for romantic feelings...'

She walked over to the couches with her coffee and sat next to Mina and Kirishima, before realizing Tsu was nowhere to be found in the room.

"Have any of you seen Tsu?"

"She came down about ten minutes ago and rushed into the restroom," Iida stated, gesturing in his usual robotic way at the restroom door.

Worried, Ochako stood up and started to make her way to the door. Mina rushed over to try to stop her.

"Maybe she needs privacy," Mina said nervously, trying her best to keep Ochako out for Tsu.

Ochako shook her head, hearing coughs coming from inside the restroom. "It sounds like something's wrong," she said, pushing past Mina.

Tsuyu was trying her best to empty her lungs of the petals into the toilet like last night when she heard Ochako's voice. She tried to quickly stand up and flush the toilet, but it was too late. Ochako had come over to the open stall door as she flushed the toilet and turned around to face Ochako. She saw worry grow on her friend's face.

"Tsu!" Ochako exclaimed worriedly. Blood covered her friend- no- crush's lips, and several petals soaked with blood stuck to her chin. Tears started to sting at Ochako's eyes. "How long has this been going on Tsu?"

Tsuyu looked down sadly. "About a week, kero."

"Who is it?"

Tsuyu looked back up and gave her friend a look that said 'I want to tell you but I shouldn't.'

Tears started to stream down Ochako's face. "Tsu, please tell me. I can't lose you."

"It's... it's you, Ochako," mumbled Tsu, barely loud enough for her friend to hear.

Ochako felt her heart jump. 'She likes me,' she thought. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, pulling Tsu close to her.

"I was going to at some point, kero."

"Tsu... I like you too."

Gasps of air filled Tsuyu's lungs as the petals began to shrink and the flowers growing in her lungs began to uproot themselves. She fell back to the ground, coughing the last remnants of her unrequited love for Ochako out of her system.

'I can't believe it,' she thought.

"Ochako," she said nervously. "Would you like to go on a date, kero?"

A warm smile spread across Ochako's face, warming Tsuyu's heart.

"I'd love to, Tsu."

A/N: I have a feeling this feels a little rushed. But I'm gonna do a chapter or two more! They're gonna be mostly wholesome fluff. Hopefully you enjoyed this and you'll enjoy them!

W/C: 871

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