A liitle candle light

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It was midnight and you sat on your bed looking into the palms of your hands; they were surging with power. They lit up the whole room like a newborn star, they were pretty and the happier you felt the brighter they glowed. It happens all the time and for the last 4 years you found the light, comforting. You span around your fingers in the air and watched as more light erupted and climbed up each individual finger. Once the light hit the top it flickered like a candle.

A knock was placed on the door. "honey?", She was quiet.
I ducked under the covers and turned my face to the wall pretending to be a sleep; I shoved my hands under my pillows. It was my mum; she looked about from the crack in the door, she saw me all tucked up. She left after adjusting one of my books that was knocked off my table. For the rest of the night I lit up my room and made shapes and story's about dragons and unicorns.

|Four years later|
Everyone perished in an attack carried out by hydra. Your parents were gunned down in front of you. You were spared. An innocent girl aged 11 was torn apart from all she loved. Her father, mother and two brothers. They were shot 2 feet away from were she stood. Her whole village was drowned in lighter fluid and set a light; she lost everything except the clothes on her back. She was pulled from the village by a hero he wore: red, white and blue. He also wore a smile and assured everything was going to be just fine. After that you were passed along to an uncle up state.

He was loud and sweet but not at all healthy; he was fragile and declining fast. He spent most of his life in a hospital and he was all I had left. I spent most of my time caring for him and instead of a happy childhood by the side of my mother and father , I was raising him in a way. He died before he could see spring and my week was spent with a funeral march and a church gathering. This was a period in my life were I wore gloves and hardly felt happy I though the light show was over. The house felt vacant.

The train ride was pleasant but the whole time I was deaf, I was drowning in the song "Dissolve". My eyes watched as trees wiped  the Windows of the first carriage. "Okay now keep calm. It's only going to be six hours and then we can go home and work on your chemistry assignment" . I pulled up my black gloves because it was showing some of my skin. "It's going to okay. It's gonna be fine" I was in tears I always had a bad feeling when it came to the first day.

School started up again I took out my earphones and headed for a tightly packed room, "I am 15 my name is Elizabeth" I said to the class of 20. They all peeled me apart with their eyes, my eyes darting around the room. An abandoned chair caught my eye, it was next to another vacant chair. A girl got up and waved her hand in front of my face, on her hand was the letters "MJ".

"MJ? ", I asked puzzled
"Ah yes an intellectual, nice to meet you I am MJ and this is nerd one and nerd two", she said with a grin.

"Hey MJ...my name is Peter and this is Ned" a boy with brown hair spoke up.

"The names Elizabeth Warren but you just call me Liz" I shook the hand he held out.

"Oh and the seat you are sitting in belongs to flash...so pleeeezz sit next to me" Ned said with big round eyes.

"But girls stick togethe-"

Before anything else could be said two hands jerked me away from my chair and I landed on the floor. I looked up and a pair of dark brown orbs looked at me.

"Flash my office now! Elizabeth are you okay?"
"yes I am fine" I lied feeling like my legs were jello and my hand was sore.

The sharp end of the desk cut through my right glove, now blood spilled out into my white skirt. That must of happened when he pushed me. The teacher saw this and hushed me out of the room. MJ tagged along showing where the School nurse was.

"Hey I am so sorry." MJ held my right hand up trying to limit the amount of blood trying to reach the ground.

"It's okay I can take more than that. You know you can just leave me here I do not want to bother you."

"Nonsense I want to help I want to be a nurse after all."

"No but I can do it"

She dismissed that last part and took me into the nurses office. the nurse was there and said that MJ could do it since she volunteers so much. I was terrified and shaking.

"Hey if it hurts too much tell me"
"Yeah. yeah it does can I just do it", trying to plead with her.I

She took off my glove and placed it in the tray before the bed. The cut was deep and I was panicky. She would not understand, I felt a sting but my hand still stayed the same. She added antiseptic to my hand and it felt like acid. It burned but there was a still a huge cut that was at least 4cm deep. My hand started to pick up a glow and the end of my hair started to shine. MJ looked at me before saying.

"you are gonna have to get stitches, it's too deep"

I got up from my chair and ran for the door. My hands were like freshly snapped glow sticks. The faster I ran the smaller Mjs voice grew, my hands felt like fire and more blood hit the floor. I was crying as I made it to the street, I hid my hands into my pocket fully having a panic. A few minutes of running I felt light headed. I fell into a guy before I blacked out.

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