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"Good morning Liz. I hope you have had a nice sleep, breakfast is down stairs to your left in the commons room. Tony and Nat are already there."

"Thank you friday"

The room I woke up in looked a bit different; the walls were a shade of blue that I really liked. Instead of carpet I had wooden floors with a little rug in the middle of the room and finally that big desk. My mind instantly got to mapping where things and posters will be put. I want my clothes to go into the walk in wardrobe but they are nothing fancy. I also want to put in a fridge for water bottles or maybe experiments and a lamp attached to the bed so I can read or do homework in the dark.

"One message for you Liz, Tony has sold off your apartment and shipped all your things here along with quitting your jobs. You have been accepted into the intern program congrats"

"Woah that's incredible but when do I get my things and when do I start work?"

"This afternoon Liz"

"Thank you friday"

"No problem now a nice shower and a change of clothes is the best way to go about the morning"

The bathroom connected to the room that already had a pile of clothes. I removed the sleep from my eyes and carefully took off the star pajamas and folded them. you put on a skirt that fell 10cm from your knees. A yellow and black long sleeve that you tucked in. Next shoes they had to be practical so baseball boots: yellow with black laces. They where a bit hard to tie because of the gloves but You managed.

You came down the stairs to be met up with Tony. He was dressed in jeans and an ACDC shirt, he looked like he had just crash landed out of bed and the coffee in his had suggested just that. By the sound of your foot steps he turned around mug in hand.

"Why hello there Copper"


"Yes me and Bruce thought about it since your hair is a shade of Copper alloy "

"Do not ask it was a long night" he giggled thinking of how clever it was to call you Copper.

"Bruce should be joining us soon" Nat spoke taking an orange out of the fruit ball and walking past Tony who was still giggling.

"I am Nat the one who sent the note and the PJs you look so cute in stars. Friday sent me pictures" She smiled as she remembered the picture of you Friday sent with the caption stars was the way to go.

"Thank you Aunt Nat" we both shared a smile. She walked over and gave me a hug.

"Well now there is another kid in this tower who calls her Aunt nat" Toney laughed mid hug.

"Oh that's Peter right?"

" yeah but the kids still a bit shy he's coming around today to see you"

"What time?"

"Eleven so we better get a move on with those gloves"

"Right you are"

We walked down into the med bay and Bruce was already there setting up a bed and equipment. He stood in a lab coat and preparing some gloves. There was also a cup of water on the table with a blue box.

"Good morning Bruce"

"Mornin Tony, Nat and Elizabeth"

"Morning jolly green"

"Ok Mr Tim man"

Bruce finished setting up the bed and instructed you to take the water and blue box. Inside was a set of pills to numb the pain, if you were in any. He set you up on the bed and removed the gloves by unwrapping them, then unscrewed the screws. Inside was a water proof layer then a layer with bandages. The blood had clotted to the cotton pads so he had to soak them in a bit of water to get them free. After all the layers were off your hands started to glow again and rage with heat and light. Nat and Tony just gazed at you waiting for an explosion or something but nothing came.

"How about we try removable gloves?"

"Sure I'll be back in a minute I actually made them last night"

"Thank you Tony"

"No prob jelly green"

He was off like a bolt, he got into the elevator and zoomed off with the help of Friday.

"So how long have you had your powers for?" Nat and Bruce were interested as they shared a glance.

"All my life so that's about 15 years now"

"What can you do?"

" Heat things up and make people's lives miserable "

"Hey hey hey kid you have not made us miserable"

" Yet"

"Liz do not sass me" Bruce joked to lighten the conversation.

"Well I think we might want to take you to the training ground to see what you can do"

"But what can I do?"

" Well we can scan you for energy levels and work from there what do you say? "


Five floors below sat the Avengers in the main meeting room. Wanda, vision, cap, clint and Thor. They all went through files on you, they found out about your past but knew nothing of the powers you held, locked within.

"Clint you said she knocked out some of our team by just opening her eyes?"

"Yeah cap but she is just a kid she was scared"

"A kid with a power greater or equal to wandas. So what is going to happen to her?"

"She is staying at the tower now and has her own room. She is nice but I kind of messed things up."

"Messed things up how?"

"Cap I fired a tranquilizer arrow at her, I had no choice"

"Clint it was necessary"

"Rogers mortals always amazed me, you have all these powers and a lady is now as strong as the sun"

"I know Thor but it's different it's like a one in a billion chance"

"Well we are here"

Peter Parker and CopperWhere stories live. Discover now