A dart!?!

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"Who is that"

"Does it look like I know, she just fell into me"

" you let her in after she bumped into you!"

"Well Bruce at any rate she is bleeding"

"Sh Nat we need stitches"

"Is it just me or her hair is glowing huh strange"

People paved around the room looking at your sleeping figure that lay on the lab bed. As soon as the needle touched our skin your eyes snapped open, your arms went up and your eyes glowed. You let out a burst of energy and knocked five people down. "I am sorry, so sorry" the streams kept coming out of your body, you looked like a human candle. "Hey get away from me please I can't control it please step away" you were backed in a corner shaking trying as hard as you could to try and shut off your powers that burned a hole into the ceiling.

"Hey kid we are not here to harm you my name is Bruce. Just calm down and we will take it from there"

"I can't I don't know how"

"One step at a time okay" he stepped closer to me holding out a hand.

The other people who had hit the floor where up and ready, a man held a bow and arrow in the detection of my head.

"Clint! Your not helping, put the bow down."
"hey what is you name" Bruce said calmly.

"Elizabeth, Elizabeth Warren"

"Okay, Elizabeth calmly and slowly just try and shut off your powers"

"Oh enough! Clint now!"

"Tony, Clint no!"

An arrow was fired in my direction, my eyes felt heavy. I looked down and an arrow was sticking out of my side. I pulled it out with one hand. It was a tranquilizer.

"I am sorry Bruce but she floored half of the Avengers, she is a threat"

"She's a kid Tony. She was scared and it did not help when Clint fired at her"

"I know but she was going to kill you the first chance she has jolly green."

"You do not know that Tin boy."

Nat peeled Elizabeth off of the floor and with the help of Clint, they lifted you up taking you into a room upstairs. It was close to Nat's room and Bruce's lab it had a huge bed and a walk in wardrobe that opened in command.


"Yes Bruce"

"Please notify me of she wakes up Fri and do not tell Tony"

"I will notify you as soon as she is awake but I can't keep this from boss. It is against my all eyes proto call."

"Of course it is" Bruce left with a huff.I

You were tucked in between thick sheets, it was warm and home like. Your head was on a fluffy pillow, but your arms felt like they were being tied down. You sat up and kicked off the covers and saw that your hands where bound in metal and leather gloves. You sighed and dropped right back down into your bed. You looked up at the ceiling and pondered a bit before a voice spoke up.

"Miss Warren, I am Friday nice to meet you. I run the house and help out in anyway I can. I am in charge of the lifts, windows, technology and mapping of the house. Do you need anything Miss Warren?"

At first she got me by surprise but I remember reading about Stark tower having two personal A.I systems. She suddenly broke me out of the thought.

"Miss Warren I have notified Mr Bruce Banner that you are awake would you like to go to him?"

" Erm sure? "

"Then follow me Miss Warren"

" How? "

The floor under me lit up like a path way. It showed me out the door to a hall way that had many pictures and blueprints framed. There were some of Tony Stark and Pepper, the one two frames down showed a man in red, white and blue. He looked so familiar I swear I have seen him before.

"Miss Warren the lab is this way"

The path now flashed bringing me back on task. I soon met the frosted double doors of the lab, it was a bit intimidating. I fiddled with the straps of the gloves and walked in.

"Mr Banner?" ,I said looking through the crack in the door.

"Ah Elizabeth come in , I hope the gloves are okay. I put them on so it would be easier on you and easier on the stitches."

"Thank you they really help. I understand that they had to knock me out."

"I am sorry about that Clint can be a bit....You know"

I smiled and forgot all of the fear I felt. I felt safe again. I joined him where he stood at a table, a few bottles where scattered about and he had a pout clearly visible on his face.

"Oh I know"

I took a few bottles from the table and mixed the acids with the neutralized formula and added a catalyst. I studied the reaction and swirled it around.

"This needs heat do you have a bunsen burner by any chance?"

"Em yes over in the corner by the flasks and glass dishes"

He looked at me wide eye as I just solved the problem that had been troubling him for weeks. I finished the reaction and handed him the finished product. He swirled it and smiled.

"Wow amazing it's perfect could you write it down?"

He handed me a pad of paper and a puzzle pen, I wrote the chemical compression and exothermic process.

"It's an equilibrium so be careful with step two" I smiled and handed the pad of paper back to him. I fiddled with the pen moving the ball indie the pen around the maze.

"You can keep that I have many of them"

I got flustered "Thank you sir"

"Nope do not give me that sir you can call me Bruce"

"Sure but you can't call me Miss Warren it has to be Elizabeth or Liz"

"Deal" we giggled in unison.

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