Jolly green

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Bruce ran up the stairs, he burst into your room and looked about. You were here this morning talking to him, you were his daughter he could still see your ghost about the room. He couldn't handle this; he brought your bag and phone and set them down on your desk. The phone had a massive crack in it from a concrete slab, that could of happened to you. He was constantly fighting the urge to turn into a giant rage monster but he was not mad. He was upset.

It was the summer holidays, you and Bruce had plans to go to the country side to see the forests and meet the fire flies living in the West part of the woods. He gazed at the map still sitting untouched on your bed marked in highlighter. You marked out all the places you wanted to go to and all the places he wanted to see.

"Tony please track him now"

"Bruce it's going to take hours, he is off earth"

"Off earth!?!"

" yes he is on home world"

"Home world?"

"Green mortal, home world is planet that is monitored by Keets"

"What are Keets?"

"vicious creatures"

"Oh great!"

Tony rushed in awaiting Bruce to turn into the Jolly green.

Tony yelled "Thor take us to Home world now we will just improvise!"

The portal opened and Banner snapped turning green and ripping the shirt off his back. Thor threw him into the portal.

"Morning petal, aw your not responding to me"
He grasped you by the jaw and shook your head violently.

"There we are, I thought all that torture made you silent but I want hear you scream"

He dug his sliver nails into your skin, they were long and sharp and you screamed bloody murder.

"Now you are going a big battery for a big portal that will kill many and you in the process" he smiled sickly

You spat at him even if it hurt more than what it was worth. He punched you and you coughed up blood.

"For that I will make the process slower"

He strapped you down to the table and drilled holes in each arm, he then plugged wires in every hole. He then drilled holes into your legs and chest plugging them as well. A team of Keets dragged you to a tower and plugged you into a portal orb. You shoot violently constantly on the verge of death, all your nerve endings were being pushed to their limits. You glowed and emitted light that felt like it was boring through your skin. They hung you out side to see the portal open. Many beasts tore through the portal and new York was now a playground for the devil.

The Avengers landed in home world. Weapons in hand and a dark look on their faces, the place was over run by keets. Each one spat acid and grinned their sharp teeth in a circular motion. Each one held spears and knives looking over the Avengers. They jumped off the high cliffs of home world and came running down the hill.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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