A Baby? (Chapter 6)

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(Jeff's POV)

      'Who first.'
Blood lust coursed through my body. I could hear my heartbeat pulsing in my ears. My legs were swift and fluent as I ran through the streets.
     I ran towards Erin's recently deceased teachers house. There was a police car parked in the driveway. I ran around to the back and climbed in one of the top windows. A little girl around the age of 5 sat on the floor playing with her dolls. She looked up at me,

"You're back! Have you come to play with me? Did you bring your dog?" She checked behind me searching for Smile.

"Not this time Sally. It's a bit late though I think you should go to sleep." Her eyes widened as I lunged at her with my knife. She screamed before running towards her door.

Stupid girl

I grabbed a chunk of her hair and threw her head towards the door. The door nob made a loud bang when her forehead hit it. Her now dead body fell to the ground and blood dripped onto her pink dress. I quickly ran to hide in the closet when I heard light footsteps coming towards the door.

"Sally? Honey? You're supposed to be in bed." The door opened and a loud scream emitted from a woman's mouth I ran out of the closet and swiftly sliced her neck. More footsteps started coming up the stairs and an extremely muscular man, with a gun, stood in my path.

"Freeze you sick son of a bitch!" I chuckled as I raised my hands in the air pretending to be defeated. The stupid cop lowered his gun and started to walk towards me.

"Go To Sleep!" I ran up and stabbed him in the temple. I sat next to his face and started to to make him beautiful. Since I didn't have a lighter I cut off the eyelids and made sure that he could smile forever, like me. When I was done I licked the blood off my knife and started to climb out of the window.

"Wahhh." I shoved my knife into my pocket and wandered towards the small cry. A door at the end of the hallway sat propped open. I walked into the room and turned on the light. A crib sat next to the wall, I walked towards it. A small human was sprawled out in the bed, crying. I leaned my head over the side of the bed and the small thing quieted down. I stared at it with wonder. The thing stared at me with its big blue eyes. And I stared back looking at his black hair and light brown completion. I reminded me of Erin. It cooed and reached it's hand up towards me.


The baby was startled by my sudden remark but then it kicked its legs and laughed. I picked it up.

"You know what kid... I like you, you're not like the others, corrupted by the human world." The baby giggled again before grabbing my hair and yanking it.

"Ow! You stupid thing." For a second its smile faltered but was immediately replaced with another toothless smile.

"You're also an idiot. Maybe Erin can fix you." A bag sat near the bed so I grabbed it, the baby and jumped out of the window.


(Erin POV)

I woke up with a cold sweat covering my body. Light streamed through the hospital room windows and a soft yawn came from the end of my bed.

"Wait what?" I sat up in bed and looked towards the small baby that was not there last night. A note sat on the stomach, I grabbed it.

'Saw this and thought of you -Jeff'

Now on any other occasion I would think this is cute. Like if it was a picture and if it was sent by my crush or something. But no, It's from some psycho murderer and he gave me a baby. An actual... living... baby. It started to get fussy so I picked it up, he grabbed my finger with both of his hands and started to suck on it.

"Where did Jeff find you?"

"Erin hon your new foster parents are here to- Oh." I looked towards the plump nurse that just walked into the room.

"Where did he come from?"

I can't let this baby end up alone... He does sort of look like me...

"Oh he's mine." She gave me a look of disbelief.

"Yeah... My friend was watching him for a bit. I guess she dropped him off while I was asleep."

"Ok, Well, as I was saying your foster parents are here to get you. Can they come in." I look at the small boy in my arms and nodded.

A nice looking Caucasian couple walked through the door. The husband was tall and thin, his brown hair spiked forward and a pair of thick square glasses rested on his face. The blue pants he wore made his sky blue eyes stand out. His wife stood next to him her head came to just about his elbow. She wore a navy blue sweater. Her blonde hair was in an adorable pixie cut I could never get because of my super curly hair. She also had blue eyes to match her husbands. A small two year old stood in between them he had short brown hair and small glasses to match his parents. Lastly and twelve year old boy stood there looking like an exact replica of his father. The husband let off a glimmering smile and reached his hand out. I shook it gently.

"Hi, my name's David and this is my wife Crystal. Our oldest is Adam, and this little guy is Christian."

The small boy smiled and waved.

"Is that a baby? Can I hold it? Pleeeeeeeeease mommy?" Crystal looked a little surprised that I was holding a small child in my arms. I would be too it I saw 16 year old with a baby.

"You'll have to ask Erin."

Of course they already know my name.

"It's fine." David lifted the small boy and sat him on my lap. His short arms could barely reach around the baby so I helped him out.

"What's his name? How old is he?"


I looked at the baby.

"He's about five months and his name is... Lucas." Lucas giggled and kicked his legs. I guess he likes his new name. The couple smiled warmly at us.

"Do you mind if I take a picture?" I shook my head. David stood in front of the bed and pointed his phone at us.

"Say cheese!"

Christian look up and flashed a toothy smile. I looked down at my new baby boy and smiled softly.

'Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.'



Hey guys here's another chapter

Don't forget to comment, vote and all that stuff

Thanks guys and I'll try to update again but that depends if people comment and stuff like that

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