I Hate Hospitals (Chapter 5)

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(Erin's POV)
'Ughh I don't want to get up for school'
My arm reached out to shut of the alarm but felt dead air, the beeping continued at a steady pace. Slowly I opened my eyes, it was dark, I look around the room and waited for my eyes to adjust. There was a lump in the chair in the corner of my room, I squinted and could make out a white hoodie. My eyes widened and as I tried to get up, but the pain in my stomach was too much, I winced.

"I suggest you stay still." I stared at him, curious.
"Why did you save me?" No answer.
Instead of answering my question he said, "The police went to inform your dad that you were here and found him drunk off his ass and your step mom was hiding cocain in the basement. Your dads up in rehab and she's in the county jail. They already called social services and as soon as your healthy you're headed for a foster home."

"H-how do you know all this?" A tear slipped down my face.
"After killing your teacher-" I could see his jaw clench, "I took you here and went to your house."
"Why?" he shrugged.
"Enough questions, you should sleep."
Realizing how tired I actually was my eyes started to droop, most likely from the morphine. Before falling asleep I muttered a,

(Jeff's POV)
For awhile I sat and watched her body rise and fall along steadily. When I knew she was sleeping I sifted through her backpack, not really in the mood to kill tonight. I came upon some weird notebook, it was covered in stickers from tv shows like The Walking Dead and Doctor Who along with some weird shit from this falling boy band or something. I opened the book up to the first page, there was a note.
'Happy 11th Birthday sweetie, I love you. -Mom'
I flipped the page and found a photo of what looked like Erin and her dad and some other lady which I'm guessing is her real mom. They look... Happy.
'You were like that once.' I nodded to my self and set the picture next to me, there was a drawing of her mom. I flipped the page, a picture of her eye, it was pretty realistic. I quickly flipped through the rest of them, it consisted of flowers some words as well as quotes and such. As I was about to close the book something caught my eye, it was a picture of me. Pretty damn close too.
Something was missing though.
After making my adjustments I closed the book slid it in her back pack, ready to spill some blood.

(Erin's POV)
'Where am I'
My eyes opened slowly and as soon as I recognized where I was I wish I hadn't opened my eyes. It was my house... The old one when she- my mom-was still alive. I gulped and got out of my fluffy pink covers, I always hated pink but she thought it made my room more feminine, considering I had tony hawk posters around my room. I walked around my room and stood in front of the mirror, it was me. Well duh it was, but, it was younger me, I had on boxers and a superman shirt. I turned away from the mirror and looked around the room. There was something sitting on the foot of my bed, a gift. I unwrapped it, it was my sketchbook. I opened and a tear fell down my face when I read the first page. I flipped through the rest and... What the hell? There was writing on every page three single words written in red. My eyes widened and I dropped the book and ran down the stairs puking when the same three words were written on the wall in my moms blood, her body on the floor.
'This isn't how it was'
I ran out of the house and started running down the street but I wasn't going anywhere, it was like running on a treadmill. Suddenly something tackled me to the ground, something sharp was held to my neck and tears streamed down my face as he said those three words.

"Go To Sleep!"

Yet another boring chapter... I'll try to add in a killing spree or something next chapter.
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