pizza sad times

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When was the moment you first realized you're going to die someday
Was it that day when you got a bloody nose you thought was never going to end
Or was it that time your mother sat you down and told how much your grandmother loved you
Or have you always known
Has it always been in the back of your mind that the reaper of souls is waiting diligently for you to make just one mistake one little error like not looking both ways before you cross the street or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and it's all over no more going over to your friends house on a Saturday night and crying about how that person you liked didn't like you and then falling on the couch at three am and then waking up at eight because your got up and they're making you a breakfast of leftover pizza which they heated up in the oven and put extra cheese on so it's different now even though it's still just leftover pizza
No more of that ever again.

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