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A/N: I just wanted to thank you guys so much for voting for my story 🥺 You guys are the best!! ❤️


"The third wife was named Nereid, she was like a dainty, pretty flower. Her eyes were a captivating sky blue. She was sought after by many suitors.
What no one knew was that Jungkook had already had his eyes on her. They married, quietly in a hidden ceremony. She was different from Noor. Whilst the other was prideful of her country, Nereid was prideful of herself. She was vain. Painfully so.
She sought after the most expensive fabric in the kingdom, hoarded jewelry of all sorts, and felt herself better than even the king himself at one point. She would brag to the servants of her greatness. Jungkooks patience had already run thin by then, his once admiration for those blue eyes turned to disgust. He would go on to suffocate her in her sleep one night with a pillow. I too helped him carry the body here".
Jimin's eyes are exhausted and he looks down at his hands as if horrified by the sight of them.
"She was so light, delicate".

Ji Eun shivers fear coursing through her.

A silence falls over them and she thinks she spots the third wife in the far left corner of the room. As still as ever.

"The fourth wife, Yuki, was somewhat of an admirer of the King" he continues as she snaps her attention back towards him.
"She had written him letters quite often, expressing her deep feelings for him. Naturally, he sought after her and of course, they married.
Yuki was obsessed with him, she often followed him around. Somehow she had discovered the painting in the east wing and found out about his beloved first wife. She was relentless from that point on, she had tried her best to be Mina. Would dress like her, even dyed her hair that same ebony black. She was fixated upon replacing Mina in his heart. He wasn't too fond of it, they fought often but she never backed down. Foolish girl... In her rage, she lit one of the portraits the king used to have of Mina on fire. In his anger he pushed her from the top of the grand staircase, no one could survive a fall like that" he reminisces uncomfortably.
"There's a grand staircase here?" Ji Eun wonders aloud.
"Used to be" he smiles "after that it was walled up, hidden away".

"The fifth wife, " he continues as if he wasn't speaking of a ruthless murderer.
"Her name was Lys, she was a beautiful, graceful woman. Her only flaw was her appetite. She would eat repeatedly every night. Stuff herself with goods then vomit it all out late at night only to repeat the cycle. It was an unusual habit, one that he tired of quick. One particular day they had been having dinner together in the garden when he set his plan in motion. Offering her wine, she downed it all. No less than 20 minutes late would she feel the faintest dizziness. She stood with such a start she knocked over the little table before them. Swaying like a leaf in the wind she eventually collapsed into his arms. Blood dripped past her lips as the light left her eyes. I watched from the garden that day. He had poisoned the wine".

Ji Eun could only stare hopelessly at Jimin, the other was passive as he spoke of them. As if they weren't flesh and blood.
That is if any of this was even true, to begin with, she reminds herself.
A loud crash of thunder reminds her of the storm corroding outside. Would Jungkook be on his way back?
His soft eyes come to mind and she cannot help but doubt Jimin and his stories. She doesn't voice it, opting to let him finish.

"His sixth wife was a well-known woman in Narcisse. Callisto. She had warm brown eyes and such a mesmerizing smile. She could charm even the coldest of men. Jungkook was smitten, and she was all too willing to be his bride. They enjoyed each other's company, but I feel he was drawn to her more in a lustful sense than anything. She was insatiable, of course, I came to think this later on. When he could not tend to her needs, she would wander. Just like that stories spread through the palace of her infidelity. Of course, no one told the king, for fear of the death penalty for accusing his wife of adultery. I had caught her once, in the stable. She was with a nobleman, she had seen me and only smiled" there's a look of disdain in his eyes.
"Jungkook was well aware of the rumors but opted to ignore them until he could no longer. Following her one evening he caught her in the act with his royal advisor. Later that night, in a fit of rage he drowned her in the bath".
Ji Eun's jaw nearly drops, the same bath she had soaked in multiple times!?

"Are you saying, as his seventh wife, I'm to be next?"
"I don't know" Jimin looks at her pained.

She scoffs, standing as the chair falls back behind her. "You expect me to believe all that nonsense you spoke?!".
Jimin only watches her through hooded eyes.

"I still have to tell you what happened to Mina".
She freezes, a cold sensation going up to her spine.
He continues speaking, noting her fear.

"Jeon Jungkook had only ever truly loved one woman among them all. It was Mina. She was his heart, his soul, his light"
His moon she thinks to herself.
"They truly were happy together, she was a joy to be around but they had been so young. Too young to understand anything. He was a jealous person when it came to her. Didn't like to see her smiling with the henchmen, talking to the stable boy heck even talking to me. They would bicker often about that, but she was soft, too forgiving. She'd relent to his ways easily. She fell into a depression soon after, it hurt me to see her so broken. She loved him but he was unbearable" he takes a shaky breath as he continues.
"One evening they were on the balcony, I saw them from below. He had been yelling and she had done the same... It happened so fast. But I saw it. He pushed her, in anger, shoved her, and she stumbled back harshly. Falling over the ledge and into the rose bushes below it".
She trembles as she listens, recalling Mina's letter years ago that expressed her fears of Jungkook.
"She could have never survived that" tears spring forth in his eyes. "She laid so still and he watched from above. His eyes were astonished as though he didn't expect it. Then just as quickly he caught my gaze and his eyes turned cold. He threatened me that day, that if I didn't keep quiet he would kill me" Jimin wears away at his lip as his teeth gnaw against it anxiously.
"I tried running away multiple times but he caught me each time, leaving me with a scar as a reminder. Eventually, he had me under surveillance by the guards, I was trapped for years. Watching as he plucked the petals of life from each flower he pulled into this castle". He looks blankly ahead as tears slip past his eyes, sliding down his cheek.
"I didn't want to do it" he begins as he reaches forward tugging at her dress. She stiffens trying to push him off.
"No!" she yells " you're lying! Mina killed herself! Jungkook has her buried in the royal cemetery!".
Jimin only sobs shaking his head, "she's not there... I would know... He made me bury her".
She feels panic in her stomach but pushes it down as she braves the question.


He meets her eyes, skin deathly pale and sorrow heavy in his tone.

"In the rose garden".

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