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I had lost count of how many times my cup had been refilled, but I didn't really care. The room was slightly blurry, but it just made it look even better. Everything had a new and exciting shine about it. I felt more relaxed than I had in years. I couldn't stop giggling either, something I rarely did. I ran my finger through my hair, it was rather hot in here. The music blasted, and there was a large group of people dancing in the middle of the common room. 

"Freddie!", I called, "Let's dance". I ran over to him, pulling him away from Angelina Johnson. She looked at me for a moment, but then cracked a smile. I blinked at her, smiling back through my drunk haze. "He's all yours", she snorted, standing and moving over to one of the Hufflepuff boys dancing.

 The party was roaring on, the crowd of students getting more intoxicated by the minute. A few moments ago, after some begging, Harry had opened his egg. A loud screeching sound rang out, sobering us all up. He quickly got down, and was now speaking in hushed voices with Rom and Hermione. However, that was far from anyone's mind now. Those who didn't want to continue to party had gone up and to bed. All of my friends were still there and had no plans of stopping any time soon.

"Please say my name like that again", Fred let out, stumbling a little as he stood. I laughed and dragged him to the middle of the floor, where people were sloppily dancing all around us. "You look like you're having a great time", Hazel slurred slightly. I nodded, letting out a loud woo. This was answered with several other woos across the room.

"Sawyer's a woo girl", George snorted from the side of the dance floor, "Who would have seen that coming". Fred and I started dancing. I flung my arms around his neck and he grabbed my waist. We swayed back and forth to the music. It was pure bliss. I think I finally understood how it felt to let go. When the song ended, someone yelled "SHOTS!". We moved over in a group and grabbed tiny cups from the boy.

I threw my head back, the burning liquid causing me to breath fire, literally. I let out a loud laugh, "Did you charm these?". Fred winked and I melted. I pulled him into a tight hug and whispered, "I'm so proud of you!". The alcohol was definitely clouding my brain, because if I was sober I knew for a fact I wouldn't be saying any of this.

Fred grabbed my arm, steadying me. "I really am, Freddie", I giggled, grabbing his hand. "Wait! Let's go upstairs and practice more charms! ", I called, "George! Let's go!". I moved around the room, still clutching Fred's hand tightly in mine. "Where is he?", I called. Fred let out a laugh. Someone handed us shots and we took them, breathing fire in each other's faces. It felt like a warm tickle. 

It felt so nice to be this loose. "Where's George?", I whined. Fred laughed and pointed to the corner, where he sat with Hazel and Rachel, one arm around each. I cackled, and said, "Oh, well we don't need him. We can practice without him". Fred summoned two drinks as I basically pulled him up the stairs.

I stumbled slightly, but couldn't contain my excitement. "Only you would want to practice school work when you're this blasted", Fred smiled at me, throwing himself onto the bed. He took a drink out of his cup and I followed suit. "No, get up, Freddie", I said, moving over to him and trying to pull him up. He pulled me down instead, and I let out a gasp, "Keep calling me that and I won't be able to control myself".

I let out a laugh and sprung up. "Control yourself?", I slurred slightly, "What could that possibly mean?". He stood swiftly, stumbling slightly. "Oh please", he moved toward me. I set down my drink, my heart beating fast. "I don't know what you're talking about", I let out. He stood close to me now, and I realized truly how much taller than me he was. He leaned down, whispering in my ear, "I think you do, Sawyer".

My eyes widened, and I realized. This was it, my first kiss was about to happen. And with Fred Weasley? I giggled and leaned, up closing my eyes. I felt his hand wrap around the back of my head, his finger in my hair. Our lips were centimeters apart. "Freddie...", I whispered. "Shh", he said, his voice low. And then, I vomited and everything went black. 

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