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 Watching Hermione dance with Krum and seeing the look on Ron's face was priceless. He sat, sulking as the first waltz began. Cedric and Cho of course looked amazing together, but it really didn't bother me. Someone else was on my mind. Roger looked like a child who had just been given a lifetime supply of candy as he whirled Fleur around the dance floor. Harry was trying his best.

When the rest of the students and faculty began to file onto the dance floor, George stood, offering me his hand. I grinned, and we moved to the dance floor beside Neville and Ginny. We danced and did a few slow dances. The tempo of the music was picking up, but they were still waltzes for now. I hadn't spotted Fred and Angelina, they must have been on the other side of the dance floor.

We danced ever dance, until my feet began to ache. "I think we should take short break", I laughed, and George obliged. We made our way off the dance floor, hand in hand. I threw myself down in a chair, sipping water that had appeared all of a sudden in a goblet. George had a grin stretching across his face. "Having fun?", I laughed. "Tons", he said, shoving me, "You're an excellent date, Sawyer Foster". 

"You are too, George Weasley", I responded, spotting Hermione. She was stumbling off the dance floor, grinning wider than I had ever seen her. "I'll be right back", I said, leaping up and calling her name. "Sawyer!", she called. "This is the best night of my life", she giggled, "Viktor's getting us drinks". I smiled, and pulled her into a hug, "You look so great and I am so glad you're having fun". Over her shoulder, I saw Fred and Angelina dancing, I tried to brush it off but I felt a pang in my chest. 

Hermione and I pulled out of the hug and she narrowed her eyes at me. "Just one dance with Fred wouldn't be against the rules you know", she said slowly. I bit my lip, "No, I don't want to be rude to Angelina. Plus, I am having an amazing time, it really is such a good time". Hermione nodded, "Okay. Oh! There's Viktor, I'll see you later". Then she was off. I turned and almost ran straight into Ron. "Viktor?", he scoffed. "Get over yourself", I said playfully, "And let her have fun". He scowled at me and sulked away, plopping back down next to Harry. 

Their dates looked bored and upset. I sighed, spotting Rachel on the dance floor with her date from Durmstrang, I had an idea. When the song ended, I ran up to her and said, "Hi!". Her and her date grinned at me. "So", I let out, "There are two very pretty girls over there who aren't dancing with anyone. It's quite a shame. Got anyone who could remedy that?". Rachel's date nodded vigorously.  I laughed and mouthed "thank you". 

Looking over, I noticed George standing on the dance floor, waiting for me. I grinned and hurried over. "Finally", he said, "This is a great one". The opening notes began to play, it was one where the partners started back to back. I grinned at George, who didn't see, because he was looking over my shoulder. I brushed it off, turning around as the waltz began. When it came to the point in the music where the partners faced each other, I spun, my dress billowing out. Strong hands gripped my waist and pulled me in, and we swept across the dance floor.

"Fred!", I gasped, as he twirled me. "Hello, love", he grinned. My heart was beating fast, and it wasn't because of the dancing. We moved with the music. "Where's George", I let out. Dancing with Fred felt like I was floating on air. "He looked a little tired, so I suggested he sit this one out", Fred smiled. We continued to dance, the music swelling. "I must apologize for something", he let out as we moved across the floor.

"Apologize?", was all I could manage to say. "For not letting you know how absolutely and insanely beautiful you look right now", he said. I blushed, and he continued. He twirled at me, "Actually, I must apologize for not telling you every single day how beautiful you are". My heart stopped. "In fact, I must also apologize for not asking you to the ball. And for not kissing you every chance I had after we did in the library. Which was the only time I have ever enjoyed being in that library, and I would gladly go again".

I laughed, unsure of what to say. He twirled me with the music, "Sawyer Foster, you are all I am ever able to think about, and I hope I haven't ruined whatever chance I had with you". The music was fading, and Fred twirled me a final time, dipping me. "You haven't", I whispered. Then, right there in the middle of the dance floor, he kissed me. 

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