letter four

282 7 4

July 16th, 2000

Dear Draco Malfoy,

Thank you for your kind words, they are appreciated.

As for a job, I am planning on being an Astronomer. Astronomy class was always a favorite of mine. Not to be boastful, but Professor Sinistra even said she would help me in my studies! My parents however would never support me seeing as Astronomy is also a Muggle study.

But I see no reason why I could not study it! Muggle or not, start are something that has always been a fascination. I loose the fondness for my parents when they say such things. It simply does not make sense—especially since it is a pureblood tradition to name a child after a constellation.

I'll admit I never saw you as a healer type. But I do find it fascinating that you leaned towards that career.


Astoria Greengrass

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