letter eighty

191 6 11

*six months later*

December 25th, 2000

Dear Draco,

Merry Christmas! I hope you are having a great holiday. I can say the same for me. Daphne and her husband have been a great joy.

Christmas's have been hard without our parents, but knowing they are where they belong is a comfort. I love Daphne with all of my heart, so I don't mind one bit to spend the day with her.

As I am writing this, I can see the sun setting. Daphne is gone. The stars are my only comfort. The little twinkling lights are shining their great amounts through my window.

It hurts sometimes, you know? I act like I am oh so happy with this life, but sometimes I wish I was not born into the last name Greengrass. Greengrass has always been a respected name in the Wizarding World, but with blood purity losing its popularity, it seems that my last name no longer matters.

I am not complaining, though.

Wishing you well,

Astoria not-so-Greengrass

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