10: 그녀는 괜찮아요? (Is she ok?)

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I and Hoseok ran to Ji Ah who was about to hang to death, she was closing her eyes trying to get her head in the rope that was tied on the ceiling...

Namjoon: YAH! ARE YOU CRAZY!! ARE YOU REALLY TRYING TO DIE JUST BECAUSE THAT BASTARD DEMON LEFT YOU!!! *he screamed at her with tears in his eyes*

You could not do anything but just die in your head... the love of your life tricked you and left you

Hoseok: my princess... Hobi Oppa is here ok? Your sunshine is here... *pats your head* Cry my child... cry... Let it all out, my princess

you could not hold any more... when you heard him, you burst into tears and was bawling as if your life is coming to an end

Namjoon was in tears seeing his sisters crying in Hoseok's arms without taking a single breath... he knew that she loved Jeonghan very much but he never expects to be like this...

You eventually fell asleep in his arms as tears streaming down one by one

Hoseok: you should have not shouted at her Joon... look at her, you know that she is devastated yet you talk to her like that

Namjoon: look Hobi! I know you care about my sis and also thanks for comforting her but this is not the reason I called you!

Hoseok: look Joon, stay calm... you really should not start an argument in front of her...


Hoseok: I know Joon... calm down... you're making things worst! let go out and talk! *looks at you* Ji Ah, my baby... sleep for some time... Oppa will come and check you later

While you...

you were lost... you only thought of Jeonghan... no one else until hoseok said

Hoseok: Ji Ah, my baby... sleep for some time... Oppa will come and check you later *you nodded slightly making Hobi smile and he went out pushing your brother who was in complete anger*

when you closed your eyes... you saw this image which made you in fear yet fell in love more

 you saw this image which made you in fear yet fell in love more

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In your mind

You: W-why are you so pale?! Why! Why are your eyes Ice blue! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!!

You: W-why are you so pale?! Why! Why are your eyes Ice blue! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!!

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Jeonghan: *deep voice* A white rat like you are so easy to fall in love with... ANYBODY! ANYBODY! EVEN A FU#$ING DEMON!

You: J-jeonghan! Please! THIS IS NOT YOU!!!

Jeonghan: *chuckles with a devilish smirk* Let me tell you something that will make things clear between us Rat! YOU & ME! THERE IS NOTHING AND THERE WILL BE NEVER!

You: Why... Why... I never hurt you, all I did was love... I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU BA$#ARD DEMON!! AM I COMMITTING A SIN?!!

Jeonghan:*laughs* Well that is what I am, and will always be... and you RAT can't do anything about it! and yes, you are because you fell in love with a sin... and that sin is way dangerous than any other sins in any kingdoms...

you were having a nightmare and Hoseok came to check on you can you were crying, sweating, and shivering from fear without wasting any time he ran to you and splashed water on you to wake you up

He made you leaned onto his chest making you hear his heartbeat which slowly calmed you down...

Hoseok: Here... drink some water... you were having a nightmare? *you nodded weakly*

Namjoon: Is she ok? why is she so sweaty and red?!

You: D-don't w-worry o-oppa... i-i a-am f-fine *you said to him slightly smiling making him tear up and look down in anger, shame*

SVT: Born Demon, Raised Angle (Jeonghan X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now