11: 회원들과의 만남 (meeting with members) (1/2)

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Jeonghan: Hey Mingyu, I want you to arrange a meeting with a few of our members... I will give the invite list, ask them to come as soon as possible.


1. The8

2. Woozi

3. DK

4. S.Coups

5. Mingyu

6. Jun

7. Wonwoo

Mingyu: oh!? I am invited too!?? what about Joshua hyung and Vernon?

Jeonghan: I already told the plan to them when I went to see them and don't worry about other members... we can arrange another meeting later next week or so...

Mingyu: when should I arrange it? right now or tomorrow?

Jeonghan: uh, make it tomorrow... this is a serious plan to attack our enemies and take their powerful stone

Mingyu smirked when jeonghan said that and why? The Angel Stone is the power keeper of the Angel Kingdom and without it the angels are useless... but don't think negatively YET. 

Jeonghan flew across the Demon Kingdom and only saw Darkness, Evil, and REVENGE...

He sat on top of the mountain and gets looked at the view... suddenly

???: You miss the Angel Kingdom, don't you...

the same voice appeared, he identified that it was the angel inside him is talking to him...

Jeonghan: look, rat... I don't have time to talk to you and don't worry you will leave my body soon and with my own hands... I will kill that Write rat of your... seeing her call your name and dying in your arms, isn't it fascinating *smirked*

???: *laughs* we both are one so even if she dies in my arms... she is dying in your arms too... the one who loved you no matter what... you want to get rid of that? think before you speck Demon...

Jeonghan: you are really something Rat... it's my ORIGINAL body and I can do whatever I want... even if it means to kill your lovely parents who raised you...

suddenly he felt a pain in the chest and yes, the angel in him is trying to control him...

Jeonghan: i-i won't let your r-rats win! wait and watch! he started to Beat his own chest to get rid of the pain and... the angel in him who is trying to control him...

SVT: Born Demon, Raised Angle (Jeonghan X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now