Chapter 7 - Legacy

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As months went by, the Winter wrath gradually fading into Spring blossoms then early Summer warmth, I never left Sindri's side nor gave up trying to find ways to reach him in his maddened state.

We'd solidified our union in marriage in Spring, a few months after he'd proposed to me in bed, and while I had questioned why there, I hadn't questioned what he had asked. I'd known that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, even through trials and strife or whatever would come our way.

Despite the outward grumbling from our people and those who disapproved of our marriage, we'd never given our decision a second thought, though I had my occasional worries about whether I was marring his image and name. I had been a Prince of Jiahao and an Heir of Changxian, and our people knew it from the many rumors that had circled the castle like wildfire, which had only fueled their displeasure with our union.

It sought to make me saddened, that our people couldn't accept me, but I forgave them for that and knew within my heart that I was a Gharashian, no longer a Prince, Heir, nor associated with Jiahao.

Now, as early Summer settled into Gharash, Sindri and I had begun our journey to Eadburga, as Ragna was said to birth her first child in the coming days. Sindri had been elated over it, and that Ragna had welcomed his wish to be there for when the child was born.

All during our trip into the East, Sindri had spoken about his family's wisdoms that had been passed down from generation to generation in his family, and that he wanted to share each with his niece or nephew. Every time he had talked about it, I had seen light written across his features, a light that I wished to see the day we had our own children.

My only increasing worry was that Sindri had plans to ask Aelfgar about the developments in the East, about whether he'd looked over Sindri's proposals that he'd sent in Spring. Aelfgar, as Sindri had said, was his only means to grow Taryn, as no other kingdom wanted to make treaties with him. All of them either wanted too much from us and too little in return or they wanted an alliance through marriage, or they disliked Sindri altogether, thus he'd given up on that route.

After our journey had come to a close and we'd settled in Eadburga, in the guest chamber of the castle we'd been given for our stay, I'd been left alone in it while Sindri had ventured out. I hadn't minded since the trip had tired me out, that, and being back in Eadburga, so close to the ocean, had me sick to my stomach.

A soft knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts before I walked away from the open window that I had been gazing out of. I opened the door to be greeted by Ragna, with my gaze instantly falling to her swollen belly that stuck out beneath her dress. 

The gift of being able to carry a child and the seed of someone you loved was something I wished I were capable of, that I could produce a child for Sindri.

"It's quite the sight, isn't it?" She laughed lightly then rested her hand on her belly, caressing down it. "This child has made me twice my size and I swear it's still growing."

I met her gaze and smiled gently in return before I stepped out of the doorway, offering her to come in. "Please come in and take a seat, if you wish."

"Oh, I'm not staying long," she stated, waving my offer off with a kind smile. "I just wanted to see who my brother had married and properly introduce myself, since I only briefly saw you earlier when you arrived."

I nodded, and then waited for her to say more, but only her eyes drifted over me before she sighed quietly to herself.

"I've always respected Sindri's interests in men, but it is a shame that you can't bear his seed," she said plainly, and I was taken aback momentarily, not knowing what to think of her words. "If only you were a woman, Taryn's throne's pure bloodline wouldn't be ending with him."

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