Chapter 3 - No Other Man

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I'd been in Taryn no more than a month now, and within that time I had earned only more respect and admiration for Sindri. I'd heard no sign of Guanting coming to Gharash, so I had eased up on my worry some and had embraced Taryn and my life there. I'd forgotten Jiahao almost entirely, letting my past there fade away.

Sindri would spend his days within his study or council hall, speaking with his advisors about ways to gain advancements in kingdoms. I'd been subject to his rants on many occasions and his frustration, but I never hated any of it because he needed someone to listen to him. It was evident to me and with that I'd taken a place of being an ear for him whenever he needed it. I had been happy to since it took my mind off other matters and gave me someone to invest myself in.

Along with our increase in time spent together, I'd taken to reviving the gardens that were in an outside area within the castle. When I'd first arrived, many flowers and plants were shriveled up and dead while the grass had overgrown over the paths. Now it was cut back, and the flowers were green and alive once more.

I looked over the bed of lavender flowers that had sparse butterflies dancing from flower to flower, all of them looking peaceful among the bed. I set my watering can down and then brushed dirt off my hands and onto my clothes. My tunic was dusty with dry dirt while my pants were wet at the knees and the thighs were muddy, but something about the earth being on me and under my fingernails felt right.

I'd loved gardening ever since I was a young boy, and even though it was frowned upon for someone of noble birth to work in the dirt or toil among the servants, I had. I'd used to help plant whatever flowers I could, and from that I had learned much knowledge about growing different kinds of plants from the gardeners in our palace. My parents had never discouraged it as they had believed it would teach me patience and a strong work ethic, but many noble families had been bothered by it, just as they had loathed our Dynasty altogether.

I sighed quietly to myself then looked to my right when I'd felt a lingering presence, and my assumption was correct when I saw Sindri coming towards me. I smiled kindly at him and then stooped over, grabbing my watering can from the ground. I'd been done for the day anyway, so his timing was perfect, and he wasn't taking me away from anything, though, even if he had I wouldn't have minded. He'd earned my respect entirely after he'd respected my wish for him to not touch me.

With the watering can in my grasp, I righted myself and turned to face him once more, to see him in front of me, but closer than he usually was. The heat from his body pulsed into mine while the desire in his eyes was more visible than it had been in some time. I'd known that he was in love with me, perhaps from the very day we'd met, and while I had grown close to him as well, I'd never furthered anything between us nor encouraged it.

I was waiting on him.


Huang's face was reddened by the sun and even a bit of dirt was smudged onto his chin while his clothes were a mess. His eyes were soft and watching, waiting, and with each passing second, I found it impossible to contain myself.

I had been patient in my love towards him. I had been slow with my advances and respectful of his wishes, but it had grown to where I couldn't stand not touching him. Every time I found him in the gardens, working hard and getting dirt under his nails, I wanted to kiss him and then draw him into my arms. I'd worked hard to not do that and to keep myself in check, however, today I let myself slide off my rigid path.

I leaned towards him, pressing my lips lightly to his. He smelt beautifully of the lavender flowers he tended to often and it was the scent that drove me to kiss him tenderly again, but he didn't return it. He pulled away and before I could think, his hand struck my cheek, producing pin-like tingles on it.

Wincing, I rubbed my cheek and looked to him to see his expression calm still, as if he weren't angered.

"You can't do that," he stated, his tone firm and firm in a way that I enjoyed, but despite how much I longed for him, I listened and nodded in understanding.

"I deserved that," I chuckled sorely then shook my head to myself. "I was too caught up in how gorgeous you looked beneath the sun, so I wasn't thinking straight."

What I had said was true, but I also wasn't thinking straight most days or even every second. I'd never met a man before who could enthrall me as much as he had, at least not to the point where I thought of him every moment. I constantly thought of a future with him, of adopting many children and having one big family that was happy and lived peacefully here in Taryn. I wanted to give him a comforting life surrounded only by love. It was what he deserved for what he had lived through.

When he sighed quietly, I refocused to him then blinked down when I felt a soft hand in mine, and it was then I noticed it was his. I wrapped my palm in his without hesitation and squeezed it comfortingly before I met his gaze and smiled warmly.

"So, does this mean you're not angry?" I asked playfully, expecting an annoyed response, but I forgot that he was next to impossible to irritate.

"I'm not mad, Sindri," he murmured, upturning his lips gently. "I merely wish that it hadn't been so sudden."

"Would a date make up for my bluntness?" I smirked and then rose his hand to my lips, pressing a quick kiss to the back of it.

"You've already made up for it," he replied, before lifting his free hand to my reddened cheek and lightly skimming his fingertips over it. "I wish for nothing more than this."

"Well, a slap every now and then does do a man good," I chuckled, making him shake his head to himself.

Then I rested my forehead against his and shut my eyes, feeling grounded by his touch, presence, and scent. There was no other man that I desired except him, and I had plans to treat him right, to give him everything he deserved and more. He would know nothing but a good life in Taryn and I would do everything in my power to give that to him, not even Aelfgar's nor the other kingdoms reluctances could stop me.

I needed a strong and well-respected kingdom, one that I could pass onto my son or daughter one day, so that they could carry on the mantle. It was just the getting there that was the hard part because rejection was all I was receiving, testing my patience to not wage war and simply steal the land I wanted.

In due time, I would see what would come of my efforts, but for now I turned my sights to Huang, to ensuring he felt safe and loved.

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