Chapter 8 - Betrayal

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The flickering of the hearth behind me, and of the candelabra that were set in the corners of the room, matched the unsteadiness around me. The unsteadiness wasn't within my heart nor mind, but coming from Hrafn, as he shifted and kept glancing to me, with his hand squeezing mine every so often.

He wasn't inherently nervous, rather well composed and that was something I loved him for, but the topic of which I was going to speak on was one that had him clinging to me. It wasn't for him or his comfort. It was for me and that he leant me his composure, even if it felt as if it were wavering like the candle on the table.

I glanced across the table to Ragna, who seemed lost in her own thoughts as she gazed down at her swollen baby, and with her hands caressing it. Aelfgar, who sat at the head of the table and on my left, watched Ragna, then me, but he never paid attention to Hrafn. It was a subtle discourteous gesture, that he wouldn't acknowledge my husband and a King of Taryn.

I had aimed to speak with Aelfgar alone and in private about treaties, however I could not earn his time, not even a second. It left me to approach him now, at dinner, and with Ragna present.

"The region of Palar would be suitable for Taryn," I stated, gaining the slow attention of Aelfgar, but the immediate gaze of Ragna. "It's a rich coastal region that is only inhabited by roaming nomads and tribes, so claiming the land wouldn't be an issue."

"Palar cuts into Trennir and that is Eadburga's domain," Ragna said, and I nodded, already aware of this information. "We left Palar alone and have a pact with surrounding kingdoms that promise none of us will touch the region. It is home to ancient tribes that are less than willing to give up their ancestral lands."

"I wouldn't be disrupting their livelihoods or taking their lands. I only want to settle a couple of fishing towns and trading ports—"

"That is what I wanted to do, but I was met with hundreds of heathens all raving in Ikshan at me and my men," Aelfgar interjected, making me clench my jaw in frustration. "It was why I decided to leave the barbarians be and make a treaty with all surrounding kingdoms to leave Palar alone."

I sighed heavily and looked away momentarily, to gather my thoughts, until I gazed back to him. "I'm trying to ensure a fair split of land and that we aren't stepping on one another's toes, but you aren't giving me much space now, are you?"

"You still haven't learned that you aren't entitled to anything," Aelfgar grumbled, and reached for his cup, downing a swig of wine. He set his cup back down, and then met my fuming gaze once more. "I don't have to give you anything nor provide you permission to take a region near to one of mine. I could simply deny you and send you away."

"Do that and see what happens," I replied fluently, narrowing my eyes. "I'll come back with my entire army and strip your kingdom of its land and leave you with nothing to your name."

He chuckled sorely and shook his head before settling and resting his gaze on Ragna. "Have you told him about the letter you received, darling?"

I glanced to her in question, raising a single eyebrow, until the word 'letter' came back to me. Many people received letters constantly, and yet somehow, I knew specifically what letter he had spoken of. He had to have meant the one my mother had me send to Ragna because why else would he bring this up?

"Mother left me with her dying wish and that was to ensure Taryn's throne remains as it has been since the beginning," Ragna stated, her tone steady and carrying no lie. "In order to do that, she said Eadburga needs to absorb Taryn and put it beneath our control."

"Absorb Taryn?" I repeated in disbelief, then scoffed when she nodded. "That is madness, Ragna. You would strip Taryn of its single standing status, just to ensure a fucking throne remains passed down to... to what, your offspring?"

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