Chapter 4 - The Rest of My Life

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**there's the beginnings of smut in this chapter**


In only a few weeks I had seen more love from Sindri than I had before he had kissed me. Before it was subtle and hinted through his gaze and words, but now it was entirely how he treated me. He kissed me every chance he received and then held my hand and embraced me often, more often if he were frustrated over something and unwilling to speak of it.

I believed that I was as a soother for him, especially on days where he was aggravated by the continued refusal of the other kingdoms to accept him or his requests to meet. There were times where calming him was difficult, like when he'd become belligerent towards me, but not at me. It was hard to see him like that, beyond the Sindri I knew and loved dearly, but I stuck by him regardless and ensured he knew I wasn't going anywhere.

Without him, I would've wandered Gharash alone, forever tormenting myself about what happened in Jiahao. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here in Taryn, in his castle and living here alongside him or loving him every day.

There was no doubt in my mind that Taryn was my home now and it forever would be until I died of old age. My commitment to him was all in words and kisses shared, but there was one thing we'd yet to do. To commit ourselves to one another and give ourselves to each other.

I waited for him though, because I'd never been with anyone before. I didn't know how to approach such topics nor speak of anything involving a sexual reference. It had been a hushed topic in Jiahao, leaving me to figure everything out myself, and so far, it had been interesting since I wasn't a good kisser, and then there had been the time he had given me something called bed oils as a gift. When he'd told me what it was, I'd nearly dropped the vial, astonished that he'd openly given me such a gift. He'd only laughed about it, as he did many things, but his intentions had been clear to me.

He didn't care about my inexperience, he only wanted me, and I knew it more and more each day, until I was certain he was going to come to me.

The fire in the hearth warmed my bedchamber, alleviating the slight chill that had formed from the night. With the light casting harsh shadows on the walls, I sat at my vanity and brushed my hair out thoroughly. It had become whiter than snow, no longer the color of my mother's hair. I wished that I knew why it had turned white, but I had no clue.

The circles under my eyes were less prominent, though, they were slightly red still from my crying. There were times where I was overcome with grief and had to take moments to let it out, but it was only when I was alone. I didn't want to make Sindri worry for me, not when I had this handled.

I brushed through the ends of my hair, getting every tangle out, before a knock on the door alerted me.

"Come in," I called, knowing it had to either be Sindri or a servant.

When the door opened, I turned my head to see Sindri step in, his gaze meeting mine instantly. I smiled softly and then set my hairbrush down to go and greet him, but he waved me down and walked over before I had the chance.

"Don't let me stop you," he stated, walking around behind my chair, and making my body become increasingly aware of his presence.

I watched him in the mirror as I picked my hairbrush back up and began to finish brushing my strands out. His eyes followed my movements closely then glanced over my night robe-covered frame before his gaze met mine in the mirror, heat filling his depths. I held his stare for as long as I could without burning up then I drifted my eyes to what I could see of his frame, seeing that he wore his night attire. His shirt was loose and untucked while his pants were the same and his feet only wore socks, telling me must've just come from bed or changing himself.

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