Chapter 5 - First Love

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**continued sexually explicit scene from the previous chapter**


I was going about this blind, and with not even enough knowledge to fill up a cup, but I went with Sindri and what felt good to me, to my body, and what made pulses go through me. His guidance and desire to teach only strengthened the love I had for him and the bond that was growing fiercer between us.

As I slowly and gently prodded one finger inside myself, slicking my walls with the oils, Sindri watched me, his eyes staring far into me, while his fingers rubbed into my thighs. He squeezed them then stroked his palms up and around to my backside, clutching my cheeks. When he spread them apart, I pushed further, but my body shuddered involuntarily, making me land a hand on his chest, to keep myself up.

With his fingers, he kneaded my backside, his firm touch encouraging me to explore deeper and find pleasure. A breathy noise escaped me when I pushed in then out of myself, becoming more confident with each slow thrust as it sent sparks through me. Following my body and odd instincts that took over, I rocked back against my digit, driving it further in, and making myself gasp. I unsteadily lifted my eyes to his only to desire to quicken my strokes as his heady gaze met mine.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" he asked huskily, and I barely managed a small nod before I felt one of his thick fingers prodding in alongside mine then stretch me when he shoved it in. He groaned low in his throat while I moaned and was left at his mercy when he pushed a second in.

His two digits joined my one, but his plunged in and out at a pace that had me quivering all over and aching from the stretch. A steady stream of precum dripped from my tip and onto his stomach below, pooling there, while the burning inside me began to subside.

Then I pulled my finger out only to have his replace it, all three taking over, and it was all that I needed, before he pressed a spot that made me see stars, forcing a loud cry from me.

"That's it, let me hear you," he growled below me as he rubbed the spot again, making me curl my fingers on his chest. I squeezed my eyes shut from a rush that came up, my body feeling tingly and almost euphoric, leaving me floating. "Let me see you, angel."

I blinked my blurry eyes open and met his dark, hungry gaze, the sight a look I'd never seen from him before, yet it did odd things to me, knowing he found pleasure from this. He found it in me, just as I found it in him, and it gave me a sense of unity between us, a connection that I wanted whole and completed.

When he pulled his three fingers out, I gasped from the sudden removal before he flipped us over, putting himself hovering above me. He pressed kisses over my chest, up to my collarbone then neck, while his palms rubbed my thighs in soothing motions. I wrapped my legs around him, and then he grabbed my hips, bringing me down, closer to him, his cock brushing my entrance.

What I desired for us was within reach, but I waited for him, as he kissed along my neck, moving to my jaw, and then lips. I stroked my fingers through his hair, needing to feel him in my hands and with my fingers. He made me feel like I wasn't inexperienced at all, as if we'd done this a thousand times before, our bodies in tune with one another, following the need we both had.

He pulled away from me, extricating my fingers from his hair, then I watched as he poured a copious amount of the oils over his shaft, slicking himself up. My stomach suddenly grew nervous, knowing his girth and length were greater than his fingers that had stretched me. I paced my breathing to counteract the bout of nerves, then took solace in him when he leaned back down to me, his lips finding mine.

I became lost to him, my fingers twisting loosely back into his hair, with my lips trying to keep pace with him, and it was only when I felt the head of his length push into me that I tensed.

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