grofflin genz stuff :]

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"Lin, oh my god, look at this." Jonathan prompted, showing him his phone.

"Are you..." Lin paused, smirking towards Groff, "Proposing to me right now?"

Jonathan raised his eyebrows, lightly blushing, "Yeah? Well, I mean- I guess- not that I-"

"Hey, I wanna! Let's do it right now."

"Wait, like right now?" Jonathan hesitated, staring blankly at Lin.

"Yeah, how does it work. Do we get a virtual marriage certificate. Holy shit, can we go out and buy rings? Or like, matching necklaces. We have matching frog hats, but I don't think that really counts. Maybe-"

"L-Lin," Jonathan firmly put his hands on his shoulders, "You're doing it again."

"Sorry, sorry. Let's get married already!" He asked, throwing his hands around Groff's neck, and brought his laptop out. He moved fast, excited.

"Okay, uh, this is the website," Jon watched Lin, watching how happy he was. Cute. "Yeah, that one."

"Where are we going for our honeymoon?" Lin asked innocently, making his way into Jonathan's arms.

"Where do you wanna go?" Jonathan answered, the corner of his eyes crinkling.

"The Bahamas!" Lin jumped in his lap, trying to figure out the website, "Look, Groffsauce. It's loading! Oh my god, look, look."

Jonathan peered over his shoulder, "Do you, Jonathan Groffsauce, promise to love and cherish Lin-Manuel, even if there is no WiFi and your phone battery is low?" Jonathan laughed, loud and joyful, right in Lin's ear, "Hmm, I dunno. Is it really worth it?"

Lin turned around, offended, "Excuse me? I would take up the offer any day! How dare you, Groffsauce. I thought you were my fiance! My trusted, beloved fiance. I'm heartbroken, I really am."

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry. Forgive me?" Groff pouted, feigning innocence.

"Hm," Lin glanced towards his lips, his gaze fixated, "That depends. Can I kiss you? It's our wedding after all."

Groff smiled sweetly, and nodded, simply at a loss for words. Lin didn't waste any time, and hurriedly kissed Jonathan. "Oh. I love you, y'know?" He mumbled it against Jonathan's lips, caressing his cheeks.

"I love you too. So much. You're right by the way. We need rings." He tightened his grip against Lin's waist, sneaking a hand under his shirt.

"Hey, your hands are cold!" Lin squirmed against his touch, giggling.

"We still need to get married."

Lin's head snapped up, and turned back to the laptop. "Right, okay, say, 'I do.'"

"I do."

"Yay! Okay, now it says, 'This certifies Jonathan Groffsauce and Lin-Manuel were united in virtual marriage at'"

"Okay, now can we go back to making out?" Jonathan lightly shook Lin.

"Oh my god, you're so needy." Lin grinned, turning once again to face him.

"Get used to it, I'm your husband now."

"I like the sound of that." Lin whispered, leaving open mouthed kisses against Groff's neck.

guys yes youve made it to the end where we celebrate me writing, and we fawn over how cute this is yes 

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