Chapter 22

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My heart thudded harder and just as the door started to open, Brody grabbed my face and shoved his mouth against mine. My chest exploded with heat but before I could respond to it, Grace's younger brother stood there eyes wide in suprise.

" What the hell are you guys doing in the closet down here? You know there's bathrooms upstairs right?"

Brody glanced at me with a smirk, licking his lips. " Thought there'd be no interruptions down here."

Simon blinked. Then blinked again. " I just need the mop and you can get back to uh... That." 

Brody handed him the mop and bucket before shutting the door. Uh- He leaned in close, whispering in my ear. " Once he leaves we can search for them." 

I nodded so he stayed close to my neck as we listened closely. Water ran for a moment before the soft swish of the mop against the floor followed. He worked efficiently and didn't seem to dilly dally. Hardly two minutes and water ran again. 

A knock came from the door so Brody pressed his lips against my neck, kind of muffling his voice as he asked what he wanted. " Just have to put the mop away, mom will shoot me if I leave it out."

I reached for the doorhandle and opened it but Brody's lips stayed on my neck.  How the hell is he not breaking character? I'd be laughing right now. 

Simon put the mop and bucket back, before closing us back in the closet. I waited for the footsteps to go up the stairs. Finally they did and Brody pulled away from my neck, peeking out the door first. He opened it all the way and nodded for me to come out.

Together we silently searched the area. At the far back of the room, I pushed a black blanket out of the way that hung up as a make shift door. My eyes found black feathers. His wings...

Glancing at Brody, he nodded at me to go ahead. Trying to remember what Kayden did for me, I grabbed a handful of loose feathers and held them close to my chest. As I closed my eyes, I directed my focus onto him and his wings. 

I can feel my own wings drape out from my back and make the power between me and the feathers intensify. It almost burned but I kept going. " Phoenix your marks." Brody spoke up but I let his words bounce off me. I'm not worried about my marks right now. I just need to get these wings back attached to him then maybe I can see what he means about me having the power of a goddess.

Brody winced as feathers started fluttering passed me, caressing my skin softly. My body rammed with heat and it felt like the feathers I held burst into flames. The power, the heat, the tension in my chest all intensified again. 

Then, as I opened my eyes, it all dropped and so did I. Instead of falling to the floor though, arms caught me. " Phoenix look." He said softly. " They're back, you did it."

I did? I glanced back and sure enough, large black raven wings perched on his back. Wow I did... I held his shoulder to keep myself steady as I studied them. Wow... Bigger than I thought they'd be actually.

" Let's get outta here."

I nodded and we folded our wings back before heading up the stairs. I couldn't help but smile to myself knowing that I did something huge like that. That's insane and I did it all by myself.

Making a bee line for the front door, we slipped out and into his car. " I think we should celebrate. My dad owns the bar by Pizza Hut and we can get in, underaged or not."

I nodded. Yeah and everyone there will be drunk so I doubt I'll get asked about my marks, right? Yeah... And I know what you're thinking. Two hours ago you didn't even trust this guy and now you're bar hopping? Let's just say I trust him a little more than my own family right now.

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