Chapter 19

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Pushing on Rae, I tried to get him to back off. I know what he's doing. He's trying to make me fall in love so he can break my heart. Force is not the way to do it though! 

He needs to learn how to express his feelings! You can't just jump into something and hope the other person knows what you're doing. It doesn't work like that. I'm not a mind reader. 

As tears leaked down my cheeks, I slowly lost the energy to fight him so I dropped my head on his shoulder. He quickly came to a halt and froze. " Why are you crying?" He questioned, trying to play dumb as he pulled away slightly to meet my eyes. " I didn't mean to make you upset."

" Why do you think it's ok to force me to kiss you? I don't want my heart broken again because you don't like the feeling you get."

Rae took my hands, staring  down at them. " Ok, I know I was in the wrong and I'm sorry. But you know how it is..."

" No I don't know how it is! You are the fucking worst at expressing yourself!" I snapped, ripping my hands from his and folding my arms. "Just leave me alone." 

" I don't want to leave you alone-"

" I said leave me alone!" I demanded and out of nowhere my wings sprawled out and knocked multiple bottles off the counter.

He took a step back and I wrapped my wings around myself, dropping my eyes to the rips in my jeans. It hurts to know I yelled at him but he's stubborn and I dunno what else to do. 

Closing my eyes, I fought back tears. Not because I'm upset. But because I'm angry and confused. I know he has a hard time with emotions but still. It's not fair to me and this is inappropriate. Even if we are kinda best friends.

" Hey," he said softly. " Don't cry. You'll make your makeup run."

" I'm not wearing any makeup."

" Jesus Christ."

" What?" I laughed, wiping my cheeks. Is it that surprising that I rarely wear makeup? Maybe mascara and eyeliner here and there but I don't cake it on. Just brings some definition to the lashes.

He met my eyes. " You're the most beautiful person I've ever met."

I bust out laughing. Is he on crack? Dude, there's a lot of people out there who are better looking than me. But, I will take the compliment. That's actually kinda nice to hear for once. Haven't been called beautiful in a long time...

Anyway. There's no use in sitting here dwelling in a mix pile of emotions. I have to track down Rowan's buddies and stop them from taking anymore lives. Or kidnapping them...

Sliding off the counter, I slipped into my room and pulled on my hoodie. " I'm gonna run down and grab a drink, want anything?"

He shook his head. " Nah."

Suit yourself. I headed out the door and down the darkened hallway. Also gives me a chance to get away from him for a minute. Should I tell him to get out of my room? Yeah but I feel mean doing that.  I like to call myself a people pleaser. I really gotta work on it but I let people push me around and walk all over me most of the time. It sucks but I feel bad if I say something.

Once the elevator doors opened and I got on, a weird sense of relief rushed over me. Maybe because I made it without him stopping me? Or perhaps because the lighting is slightly better. 

Weirdly enough once the elevator stopped on the main floor, the hallways were pretty dark too as if someone had turned out half the lights.  I don't think this has happened before so that's strange. Luckily the light source from the kitchen lead my way. Someone must be in there.

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