Chapter 12

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Limping to the gates, it was so hard to see through my throbbing and bloody eye. Slipping in, I found my way to the door. If I can get to my room at least then I'll be ok. I hope.

Quietly, I snuck down to the elevator and hit the button repeatedly. Hurry up, hurry up. As soon as the doors opened, I walked right into someone. Shit. My eyes met Rae's and something dark crossed his. 

" What happened?" He asked, taking my face in his warm hands. " Phoenix, who did this to you?"

I just shook my head, pulling away. " It's nothing, I'm fine."

" You're not fine, look at you! You tell me who did this to you or so help me-"

" I said I'm fine!" I barked with tears rolling down my cheeks. As soon as the door opened on my floor, I rushed out only to have him follow me all the way down.

Before he could grab me, I locked myself in my room and leaned against the door. Slowly my body collapsed sending me sliding down to the floor. I could have used my powers to just kill them but I didn't! I should have! All being good has ever done is wind me up in situations like this. That's exactly what I told Shay...

" Phoenix, open the door!" Raeylnn demanded on the other side. " Let me in!" 

No... It'll just make things worse... Besides. I don't want him seeing me like this... I'm- I'm a mess and he's so hot... I closed my eyes and swallowed hard. 

He makes me feel vulnerable but safe and maybe that's why my powers are all wonky around him... Maybe i'm subconsciously afraid of hurting him. Maybe I'm afraid of him hurting me. I don't know but it's playing with my power I think...

The door seemed hot behind me. I don't think my wings are out- wait- I checked to make sure but nothing was back there. Weird... I wiped my cheek, brushing off the mix of blood and tears. I have to be strong... I gotta toughen up... I just don't know if I can go through with taking revenge...

I want to, by god do I want to and watch all the humans burn but that kinda makes me sad to know I would be killing innocent people too. I dunno what to do...

Pausing my thoughts, I listened on the other side of the door hearing someone talking. " What are you doing?" A female voice asked. Alexa maybe?

" I saw her all bloody and she won't let me in or tell me what happened."

He's still out there? I thought he woulda have left by now. Most likely to get someone to let him in but no, I actually didn't think he'd still be out there wanting in.

" What do you mean all bloody? Like someone beat her up?"

" Yeah but when I asked she got defensive and said nothing happened."

Well duh! I'd feel like an attention seeking baby if I let him worry over me. Plus if he did help me clean up, I guaranteed would be having a heart attack because I actually really do like him... I won't tell him that, but I do...

And I'm making a mess on the floor... Ugh. That's gonna be a pain to clean. Whatever. I'll do it later, I just need to calm myself down and breathe. Just breathe...

Closing my eyes again, I listened to their conversation. " Maybe get Kayden. She could really be hurt..."

The silence made my stomach knot. Oh you better not be. I'll shoot you, Alexa...

Fine, fine! I got up off the floor and opened the door, sending Raelynn falling backwards and looking up at me. Oh, he was leaning on the other side. Whoops. He scrambled up. Before letting Alexa see me, I yanked him in and shut the door. 

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