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With a heavy exhale, Mariana's eyes traced along the lines etched into the wooden table before her. It was stained with coffee rings, crayon marks, and paint and clearly it had been marked with love. She clenched her fingers around the handle of the mug in her hands and shut her eyes. As if sensing her nerves, a strong and steady hand landed on her forearm and the familiar touch brought her some semblance of comfort.

"What do they mean false testimony?" she finally asked, opening her eyes so she could see her aunt and the attorney sat across from them. "It's been over a decade since the last case. What could have come up since then?"

"They're grasping at straws," Tyler Jones answered. "For what reason, I don't know. I got a judge to sign off on refusal from jail leave for the time being."

Valentina and Mariana visibly relaxed. The younger woman glanced over at her boyfriend who looked torn between supporting her and ripping someone's head off. She turned her head to the other side, looking past the dining room where they were set up and into the living room where Diego and Christopher were coloring and talking animatedly. The two nine year olds took to each other like a duck to water. It made her heart hurt as she thought about her and Luis sitting in that same spot years ago.

"So what happens next?" Eddie's question broke her out of her reverie. He squeezed her hand as reassurance of his presence and she was honestly so grateful. He had been a rock for her to cling to since they got the letter two days ago. Valentina called and set up this meeting yesterday and Eddie informed Mariana that he wouldn't be leaving her side, no matter what happened.

"We have a retrial," Tyler sighed. "It's less than ideal but there's no way he will be declared innocent. The physical evidence might be gone but Mariana is the perfect candidate to keep him guilty. A first responder, a nurse, a former foster kid who turned out fine. You get on the stand and tell everyone what he did and you will have a closed case."

"She shouldn't have to tell people her story," Eddie bit out.

"Eddie," she said softly. "I'll do it. I'll do anything to make sure he stays behind bars."

He could see the fierce determination in her dark eyes and he nodded without hesitation. She offered him a small, strained smile and he ran his calloused thumb over her knuckles in response. Mariana turned her attention back to the issue at hand and paused when she noticed Valentina's expression. It was one of longing and hurt. Her aunt's eyes locked with her own and the older woman blinked away any evidence of her emotions.

The rest of the meeting consisted of paperwork, legal jargon, and plans for the future. By the end of it, Mariana felt well and truly drained. She offered her hand to Tyler and he shook it before he shook Eddie's.

"I need you to understand," Eddie informed the lawyer. "That at the end of the day, I will do anything and everything to protect my family.

"I understand loud and clear, Mr Diaz," Tyler assured him.

Mariana pulled away from his side to go kneel down by Chris and Diego. "Nice job, guys! Beautiful work."

"Thank you, titi," Diego answered, wrapping his small arms around her neck. She hugged him gently and ruffled his hair as she pulled away.

"It's time for us to go, Diego, but I promise we'll see you again soon. Maybe you and Chris could have a sleepover?"

The two boys cheered excitedly and Mariana dropped a kiss to each of their heads before standing to let them say their own farewells. She made her way to the front door where she turned, staring up at the second floor balcony. Her eyes were transfixed on the section that, to an unknowing eye, you wouldn't be able to tell that it was repaired and repainted. Her knee ached with phantom pains even thirteen years later.

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now