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"I mean, your cousin didn't go to an LA car show," Mariana said as they walked along the beach. "He went to a street racing gig. Elliot would never let me be out in public as Boulevard Babe. Not when the police wanted to put a stop to the racing."

"What was it like?" Eddie asked. She scooped more of her ice cream onto her spoon and stuck it in her mouth, considering her answer to his question.

"It was weird. By the time I was eighteen, I was like a celebrity for street racers. I had to wear this stupid outfit and a pound of makeup every time I raced. Didn't realize until years later that I was literally being groomed and exploited."

"If we ever bump into this Elliot guy, am I allowed to beat the shit out of him?"

She laughed and shook her head. "I love you too much to know that it isn't worth it. Hey, if you're good, maybe I'll break out my old uniform."

Eddie stole a kiss from her and smirked. "Honestly, I like your uniforms now."

"Mmm, blue scrubs and yellow crocs?"

"Clearly," he replied sarcastically. "I'm talking about when you're on a call and giving orders and..."

She let out a faux scandalized gasp and stopped in her steps to stare at him. "You dirty dog! Seducing me because you like seeing me in my turnout gear! That was a one time thing and you need to learn to keep it in your pants, Diaz."

"Oh really? Because if I remember correctly, you were the one that picked the showers."

"Well yeah because it was midnight and everyone was asleep and the showers are practically soundproof."

"You weren't complaining when I-"

"Don't finish that sentence when we are in public!"

He laughed and pulled her into his chest, kissing her once more. She tasted like the cookie dough ice cream they were sharing and he couldn't get enough of his wife's touch. Mariana hummed into the kiss, a soft sigh escaping her as he pulled away.

"Think we could make out in the car like teenagers?" he teased. Her phone chirped in response and she grinned up at him.

"It's bedtime for the boys so that means we need to go set Buck free," she replied. "One day we'll make Uncle Buck host a sleepover and you can do whatever dirty things you want to me."


And then the door opened forty five minutes later to find the two Diazes looking very innocent even though Mariana's lipstick was smudged and Eddie's hair was messed up. Buck rolled his eyes at the sight of his best friends and leaned against the wall.

"You two are late."

"Construction on Sunset. Had to take a detour," Mariana lied smoothly as Eddie slid her jacket off of her shoulders and hung it up on the hooks next to the door.

"Construction has never slowed you down before."

"Really bad construction. The boys already in bed?"

"Oh yeah." Buck grinned. Mariana patted his shoulder as she passed by him and headed for the hall.

"You're a miracle worker. I love you. Move in and be our live-in nanny."

The two men laughed at her comments as she went into Diego's room to say goodnight. Buck turned to Eddie and shrugged.

"They were willing to get ready for bed and get into bed, I just wasn't allowed to turn off the lights or read a chapter to them."

"Yeah, only Mari can do the voices properly. They've started to let me do it, but Mari is the preferred storyteller. Thanks for watching them."

"How was the date?" Buck asked.

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now