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"Can you believe they ate all the fudge without us?" Chimney shouted as Mariana pulled the fire truck out of the station.

"Finders keepers, losers weepers," Hen sang.

"Man, allergies are going crazy today," Eddie grunted.

"Yeah, you too huh? The index wasn't elevated this morning. Think it's a new kind?" Buck asked.

"New kind of what?"


"A new kind of pollen?" Chimney drawled out.

"You're not feeling this, Chim?"

"No, I do not."

"I'm seeing pollen."

"I can hear it."

"Are you two kidding me right now?" Mari called from the driver's seat. "Are you high or something?"

The call was at a convention center but nothing prepared them for the Toddlers and Tiaras nightmare inside. Chimney and Mariana led the team in, finding Athena arresting a woman.

"Victim's over there."

They followed the horrified looks and the stream of officers to find a woman on the phone. She turned and Mariana blinked away her confusion before dropping her bag and gently taking hold of the woman's shoulders. A high heel was literally embedded in her cheek.

"Why don't we sit down before that adrenaline drops? Okay? And let's hang up that phone," she announced as Chimney took the woman's phone away.

"Hey guys," Chimney said, turning to get Buck and Eddie who were, for some reason, still by the door. "Hey! Diaz, Buckley, let's go!"

"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to not touch the heel. We don't want you to risk pulling it and adding to the damage," Mari instructed her.

"Can someone get us the rest of our gear?!" Chimney shouted.

"What the hell is their problem?" she hissed. "We need to stabilize this before we get her to the hospital."

"Chimney! Mari! Gonna need you over here," Athena called. The two paramedics sighed left after reassuring the woman she would be fine.

"What the hell is going on?" Mari asked as she joined Athena.

"We got a problem here. Your guys be trippin'."

"Guys, look at me. Do you know where you are?" Chimney exclaimed.

Eddie shoved aside the balloons he was previously fascinated with. "We're everywhere man."

"They're on drugs!" Athena hissed.

"Oh fuck, I was right," the latina breathed.

Hen threw herself into Chimney's arms and he patted her back to calm her. "Oh my God it's the brownies. We've been getting a lot of stuff lately especially since the earthquake."

"You guys eat that stuff? We just throw that stuff right in the trash!"

"We're firefighters, everybody loves us."

Mariana gently grabbed Buck's hands and then Eddie's and led them over to Hen, Athena, and Chimney. "Alright, Chim, you work on shoe face. Athena, did you call another RA unit?"

"Yeah they're on their way here."

"Okay, great. Uhhh, call Bobby and can I use a few of your officers? We need to make sure these guys don't wander off. I guess I am now on babysitting duty."

In Flames // 9-1-1 Fox (seasons 1-4)Where stories live. Discover now