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the royal cowered out of there, running towards the kitchen, and fumbled with his fingers. seungmin came into the kitchen with a bright smile on his face and pecking hyunjin's cheek, making the older shocked.

seungmin giggled, "congrats, your feelings aren't one-sided."

"really? you like me back?" hyunjin said with a bright smile on his face.

"not like, love," seungmin stated, giggling again.

"that means you're my boyfriend!" the royal exclaimed.

seungmin just nodded, making hyunjin smile widerㅡ if that was possible.

vaccines for the scintilla disease were running short in minutiae's kingdom. that wasn't a good sign. almost everyone were on quarantine. the only times you were able to go out was to buy emergency food. usually, foods will be delivered on your front door. the disease spreads quickly too.


it has been reported to have over ninety cases in minutiae. now, there shall be even more strict quarantines in this kingdom.

there shall now be guards, guarding anyone from getting out of apartment buildings and neighborhoods. we shall go on lockdown until this disease is over,❞ ㅡking hyunsoo, ruler of minutiae.

"what the fuck?" hyunjin mumbled under his breath as he read the article.

"what happened?" seungmin asked, walking over to hyunjin and placing his arms on the older's shoulders.

"we're on even stricter quarantine now," hyunjin said, sighing loudly.

"well, at least we aren't like the usa, i mean, have you seen how many cases there are?" seungmin asked.

"yeah but, this is my kingdom, i have to protect it when i get crowned king," hyunjin explained worryingly.

"it'll be fine hyunjin, it'll be over at some point."

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