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after seungmin left the store, he started heading home. well, not technically since he stopped by an convenience store to get some ice cream. the red haired male went inside of the small convenience store.

as soon as the young male entered the small corner shop he was greeted with a cozy feeling.

"um, excuse me," seungmin asked.

"yes?" the cashier replied.

"do you know where the ice cream is located?"

the female cashier pointed to the back of the store, "there are some ice cream back there."

seungmin smiled, "thank you!"

seungmin headed towards the back of the convenience store and grabbed the last box of vanilla ice cream. he walked back up to the cashier table, placing his ice cream on the counter.

"$4.12," the cashier said after she scanned the item.

seungmin took out a 5 dollar bill and handed it to the cashier. the female teen gave seungmin $0.88 back and placed the ice cream in a 'thank you' plastic bag. she handed it to seungmin and bowed. seungmin bowed back and took the bag, waving goodbye as well.

"oh my gosh, i'm so sorry!" seungmin bowed repeatedly, when he bumped into someone.

"it's alright!" the latter replied.

seungmin looked up. hwang hyunjin, seungmin's eyes widened and bowed immediately.

"it's alright, don't worry, you don't need to bow," the blonde hair male chuckled a bit.

suddenly, the royal got a call.

"hello?" the prince said, giving an apologetic look to seungmin, "what? i'll try to!" hyunjin said, look at the ground with a panicked look on his face. mumbles were heard through the phone. " you're sending me money, right?" hyunjin had a sigh if relief after he heard what the latter said through the phone.

soon, the call ended and hyunjin let out a sigh. "um, i have a question for you," hyunjin started.

"what is it, your majesty?" seungmin asked, bowing again.

"please stop with the formalities and treat me like a regular person, anyway, um," hyunjin said, nervously. "i need a place to stay and i'm not familiar with this town, so um.." hyunjin trailed off, nervously.

"you want to stay with me?" seungmin asked and hyunjin nodded, "you can, but why?" seungmin asked again.

"because, the kingdom is going on quarantine soon."

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