Decorating The Tree (kind of) Telling Him and Midnight Dances.

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A/N BEFORE YOU START READING..... I am so sorry this is such a cheesy chapter I am ashamed of it -____-  - Emily :D

Lexi's P.O.V.

I sat on the sofa flicking through the channels. I can't believe I'm here. Alone, with Niall. This is going to really kill me.

"Hey Lex." he smiled sitting next to me. It took all my will power not to lean into his chest and/ or kiss him. I looked to him.

"Hi, I heard you singing earlier." I smiled to him getting the conversation started. He looked embarrassed, why? He sings to millions of girls all the time and it's not like I haven't heard him before.

"You sounded awesome." I notified him.

"Um thanks, so are you doing anything today?" he asked wanting to change the subject I would guess. I shrugged.

"Nothing really just sitting here, boosting my relationship with the T.V and the sofa." I joked and he smiled lightly laughing. His laugh  made my stomach flip and my heart go double time. I have to get over him.

"Well you've got company I have nothing planned to. Wanna do something?" he asked me. He wants to do something. Like a date or just friends?

"Um y-yeah sure, like what?" I asked, why am I so nervous round him? He's supposed to be the nervous one it's never been this way round between us two.

"How about we decorate the Christmas tree, it looks pretty bare to me." Niall laughed pointing to the tree me and the girls had bought but hadn't decorated yet.

"Sure." I smiled. I ran upstairs and found all the decorations in 2 box's. They were my mums but I stole them. I ran back down to the lounge and placed the 2 huge boxes of baubles and tinsel on the floor.

"Woah where'd you get all this?" he asked picking up some tinsel.

"My mum's but, shh." I winked at him and he laughed as we began to put the stuff on the tree. About half way through Niall sprayed silly string on me.

"Ahhh Niall! Where'd you get that?" I asked laughing.

"Bottom of the box there's loads of cans of it." he answered spraying me again.

"No fair, I have no weapon!" I yelled he threw one of the cans to me and you can tell where this is going.

After half an hour of trying to cover each other in the stuff, the apartment was a mess and barley any of it was on us 2. I ran towards him but tripped on some of the tinsel and we both ended up on the floor. I was on top of Niall's chest and he was facing me smirking.

"I'm so sorry Niall." I laughed getting up but he pulled me back down on to his chest. I fell back down on to him and I heard him grunt in pain.

"Oh my god are you okay?" I asked forgetting to get off of him. He nodded.

"Fine, but you might need to kiss it better."he replied. Is he flirting with me? Well might as well joke around.

"Okay where does it hurt?" I asked.

"I bit my tongue." he winked at me, his arms were wrapped tightly round my waist and my hands were now pressed against his chest. I froze.


"Can you kiss iit better?" he asked "Please?" What do I do? I mean sure I want to bu-

My train of thought was cut of by his lips smashing into mine. I couldn't think straight my mind was buzzing and my heart racing. I swear fireworks were going off. After 30 seconds he pulled back, I was breathless and lost for words. He searched my eyes for a sign.

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