Hair Gel,Twitter and Niall!

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A/N okay so I used twitter names in this the @1Dgotthat1thing I made up so I don't no if it's real or what so sorry if it's yours! the other one @doodlegirl2012 is me (follow if  you want) and then theres Harry's. Just to let you know I will write a chapter on their birthday okay :D right am gonna let you read now vote? comment? fan? thank you - Emily :D

4 Months later

Everything was pretty much back to normal we didn't get through to the live shows. That sucked! I was stuck with Liam because mum was out and I wanted to come to a recording studio.

"I wish they would hurry up." I said to Jess and Aggie. We were sitting in a recording studio waiting for the boys. I kept playing with the voice buttons making them sound funny.

"Miss Payne please stop that." an official looking guy said.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

The boys finished and  walked out. Liam walked over to me while the others got a drink.

"How would you feel about touring America with us?" he asked.

"Yeah that'd be cool." I smiled I hadn't been to America before. Although Liam dosen't know this but I heard mum force him to ask me one of the reasons I said yes was just to get on his nerves.

"Oh and I asked Simon and he said he would happily record some demos with you guys he remembers you from the auditions." he carried on yeah mum forced him again to do that!

"No your not being serious." Aggie said.


"When?" Jess asked.

"How about now." I turned round to see Simon standing there. "So you two are twins I knew I recognised you when you came on stage for auditions." he said all I could do was smile.

"What song should we sing?" I asked.

"More Than This." Jess and Aggie both said. We sang it how we did at the X Factor.

"Thank you girls. I'll get back to you soon to see if your signed." he spoke through the speakers and then walked off. I ran out of the recording room and tackled Liam to the floor.

"Why didn't you tell me that?" I asked sitting on top of him. He knew I hated surprises especially when there from him.

I turned to them and said "Don't worry I'll get you guys aswell."

"It was a surprise! As in not telling you!" he replied. I got off him. 

"So what are you guys doing for your 19th birthday tomorrow?" Zayn asked as we walked back to the car.

"Nothing." we said together.

"Well that's good cuz were all coming over yours and sleepin' out in the shed tomorrow night to celebrate." Louis said really asually. 

Harry hit him over the head "You weren't supposed to tell them!" I started to laugh they all ran ahead chasing each  other leaving me and Niall walking along behind them.

"Do you still hate me Niall?" I asked.

"When did I say I hated you?" He replied surprised.

"Well you never speak to me unless you have to since we met."I said.

"Yeah well." he said staring at his feet. I stopped and he looked at me.

"If it's about when we first met, then I am sorry unlike Liam I have a really bad temper and I never meant to say what I did I was in a bad mood. I can't even remember what I said. I am sorry though. I don't like the fact that I know your the sweetest boy I've met  and would never hurt anyone and yet I've made you hate me. I 'm sorry." I blurted out.

He stood there looking shocked. I think he was processing what I had just said.

"It's okay." he said pulling me into a horan hug. Yay!

"WOOOAAAAHHH Lexi and Niall are hugging and speaking and we didn't force them to!" Louis shouted.

 We both pulled out of the hug looking embarrassed as Louis started to sing "Lexi and Niall sitting in a tree K.I.-"

"L.L.I.N.G Louis if he dosen't shut up!" I said charging at him, he just picked me up and chucked me over his shoulders and I screamed. Yeah I got on better with the boys then Liam!

"Guys c'mon were gonna be late we do have to oh yeah PERFORM on the X Factor show!" Liam yelled. We all climbed in the mini bus I was in the back cuz that was my seat and Niall ended up sitting next to me. Great we were on our own in the back.

"Did you  mean what you said earlier about me being sweet and all that?" Niall asked.

"Uhmmm.. yeah." I said embarrassed staring at the floor. I'm so glad that no one was taking any notice of us in the back. Niall enterwined his fingers with mine and I felt my face burn red.

"WERE HERE!" Louis shouted.

"Inside voice Louis!" Harry said.

"SORRY." he shouted again. We all got out.

"Liam." she screeched. Uh oh.

"Hiya Dani." Liam said as she grabbed his arm. Shes so clingy! I do like her though don't get me wrong!

"EWWWWWW PDA!" I  screamed as they snogged and I ran round like a headless chicken while Danielle gave me a look to say your crazy and Liam just smirked shaking his head I knew he would get me back me back later. I ran like that all the way to the changing room.

"Aw man there's no hair jel!" Zayn complained as I ran into the changing room.

"Oh I'll go get some. Can I borrow your Jack Wills hoodie though Styles?" I asked Harry. It had gone cold outside and I loved the hoodie!

"Yeah I'll come with you as well though." He replied. It took us about twenty minutes to get back mainly because neither of us knew witch jel to get.

"Here you go Zayn am gonna go on twitter for a bit." I said sinking into the sofa next to Aggie. I read through some tweets.

"Ummm Harry did you know we were dating?" I asked him. He opened up twitter and read the tweets aswell.

" Nope. Looks like they got a pic of us 2 at the shops." he smiled.

"Oh and according to@1Dgotthat1thing it's so sweet that you let me borrow your hoodie cuz I was cold." I smirked.

I opened up a new tweet.

@Harry_Styles should we tell Liam bout us yet?

His phone bleeped he tapped a few things then my phone bleeped.

@doodlegirl2012 well u tweeted it hes gonna find out now love u x

I tweeted back

@Harry_Styles luv u 2 x

"Now we sit back and enjoy the fun." I smirked. I looked at Niall who was reading through  twitter by the looks of it, every so often he would shoot me a death glare. Whats crawled in his trousers and died? Unless he... OMIGOD when he held my hand he oh jeezo!

I couldn't speak to him now so I text him:

To-Nialler :P

Need 2 speak 2 u l8er in priv8 x

I pressed send then realized I put a kiss on the end would he think anything of it? My phone buzzed:

From-Nialler :P

Okay xxx

Yes he defiantly though something of the kisses. Oh-no. The boys ran on stage as me Aggie and Jess sat down for the results show. Niall kept looking at me when he sang I tried not to  make eye contact. I didn't feel the same way about him did I? No I didn't!

"C'mon we do need a ride home we gotta meet them back stage Lex? LEXI?" Jess said pulling me out  of my thoughts.

 I wondered backstage Nial looked at me and I mouthed to him "Come with me." Then pressed my finger to my lips in a keep quiet way. 

Time to deal with Niall.

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