Our Birthday :)

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A/N Hello peoples so here's the next chapter. If you wanna help a girl out could you comment and tell me if you think Niall and Lexi should get together? Thank you. I know people read story's and are like ohh whatever I won't bother to comment but I love reading the feedback and if people are enjoying my stuff so please comment? Also Fan and vote? whatever you feel like thanks- Emily :D

I woke up and my eyes fluttered open.  Yeah buddy 19 today! It must be fairly early because I can't hear Liam yet, might as well jump in the shower and get ready for the guys to come over. I checked my phone for the time.

8:30 am I've never been up that early if I can help it! I checked my messeages aswell because I had gotten 2 new ones proably from Aggie and Jess they were early up usually.

From- Jessie J (She loves Jessie J and her names Jess so tada that's her name in my phone!)

Hey dude Happy b-day u any more mature yet? LOL c u soon hun I got u an awzum prezzie :D

I loved that girl she made me smile now onto the next message.

From- Aggie

Hey Lexi 19! booya baby's growin up! C ya soon b over with Jess at bout 1 :D

I set down my phone with a smile on my face and tore my P.J.'s off and jumped in the shower. I let the warm water wash the world away and calm me. I was in there for ages that's the problem I have when I get in the shower I'm in there for like 2 hours no joke.

I stepped out and glanced at the clock. Half ten not to bad I suppose. I pulled on some skinny jeans a black vest top a varsity jacket and some nike high tops. I let my hair dry naturally then pulled a brush though it then ran downstairs.

I had some toast and then it was eleven. I heard the phone ring and picked it up.

"Hello?" I said

"Lexi hunny happy birthday is Liam up yet?" I heard my mum's voice through the receiver.

"I haven't seen him but I can hear him in his room." I replied as I heard a huge smash from Liam's room. I let a laugh escape my mouth.

"Well I just phone to say I Left about 7 this morning because of work and I know it's your birthdays-" I cut her off

"It's okay I'll see you tonight."

"Alexis baby girl that's what I rung to tell you I had to travel over to Australia because the company over here are getting really big and I sorry I won't make it back until next week." She told me.

"It's okay mum I understand, bye love you."

"Love you to tell Liam I said happy birthday. Oh and your present's are in the shed I have to go now bye." then the line went dead.

I felt my heart drop. I was used to this she didn't mean to but she had missed at least 7 of mine and Liam's birthday's including our 16th and 18th. I put down the phone and just sat down in the hall. I curled my legs up to my chest and let some tears slip. I heard footsteps on the stairs and stood up and brushed myself off.

"Uh Liam mum phone and said happy birthday." He just gave me a weird look so I continued. "Uh she's not gonna be back till next week the company in Austrailia is getting really big." I finished.

 I watched him and he tried to look strong but I knew him inside out. I saw his face flicker sadness. Then I looked in his eyes disappointment,I knew how he felt. He shook his head and walked passed me.

He ate his breakfast if you could call it that at eleven. Then we went to the shed to clear up ready for tonight but it was spotless. Sitting on two of the beds were presents mine and Liam's. We looked at each other.

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